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LayoutLines is now developed and tested specifically for 'World of Warcraft: Classic Era'. While it may still function in other versions, only 'World of Warcraft: Classic Era' will receive ongoing updates and official support.


LayoutLines is a 'World of Warcraft: Classic Era' addon designed to assist players in aligning UI elements. It provides a simple way to draw horizontal and vertical lines, create a grid overlay, and add center lines on your screen. This is particularly useful for players who want to customize their UI layout with precision.


  • Draw horizontal and vertical lines
  • Create a grid overlay
  • Add center lines to the screen
  • Clear all lines and grids
  • Save and load line positions


  1. Download the LayoutLines folder.
  2. Place it in your World of Warcraft\_classic_era_\Interface\AddOns directory.
  3. Restart World of Warcraft or reload your UI.


Slash Commands

You can control LayoutLines through various slash commands.

  • /layoutlines or /ll: Shows a brief help message.
  • /layoutlines help: Shows detailed help.
  • /layoutlines h: Draws a horizontal line.
  • /layoutlines v or /layoutlines vertical: Draws a vertical line.
  • /layoutlines clear: Clears all lines and grids.
  • /layoutlines grid [number]: Creates a grid overlay. The number specifies the number of squares along each axis.
  • /layoutlines grid off: Removes the grid overlay.
  • /layoutlines center: Draws red lines crossing the center of the screen.
  • /layoutlines center off: Removes the center lines.
  • /layoutlines save: Saves the current positions of horizontal and vertical lines.
  • /layoutlines load: Loads the saved positions of horizontal and vertical lines.


To draw a horizontal line, you would type:

/layoutlines h

To create a grid with 50 squares along each axis:

/layoutlines grid 50

To save the current line positions:

/layoutlines save

To load the saved line positions:

/layoutlines load


If you find any bugs or have feature requests, please open an issue on CurseForge.