- Info
With new patch 9.2.5 and interfaction group&raid, my goal was to unify two guilds channel from each side (Alliance/Horde).
This addon simulate that by :
1. when writing in guild chat => copy text into community chat (interfaction)
2. when receiving community chat message, simulate it as guild chat localy
Plus, it display community member connection, like guild mate.
- Setup for GM
Add the community id in the Guild Info panel like this
> LinkedCommunity=xxxxxxxxxxx$
where xxxxxxxxx is the community id.
Macro to get id :
`/run local a=C_Club.GetSubscribedClubs();for i=1,#a do if a[i].clubType==1 then print(a[i].name.."="..a[i].clubId) end end`
or /iglist
- Setup for members
1. Join community
2. Type in guild chat, now other subsribers with this addon will share the guild message
- Commands
/iglist : list all communities and id connected
/iginfo : display inter guild infos
/igset {ID} : set community id for solo mode