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Incognito Resurrected
Incognito Resurrected adds your specified name in front of your chat messages. Incongito Resurrrected can be enabled for guild (and officer), party and raid chat messages.


  • [Guild] [Yourchar]: Some chat message
  • [Guild] [Yourchar]: (Yourname): Some chat message


You can use the GUI config dialog or the slash commands /inc /incognito or /incognitoresurrected slash options

  • /inc config - Open configuration dialog
  • /inc enable - Enable or disable adding your name to chat messages
  • /inc name - The name that should be displayed in your chat messages

AddOns Options

  • Enable - Enable adding your name to chat messages.
  • Name - The name that should be displayed in your chat messages
  • Guild - Add name to guild chat messages
  • Party - Add name to party chat messages
  • Raid - Add name to raid chat messages
  • Channel - Add name to chat messages in a custom channel
  • Debug - Enable debugging messages output. You probably don't want to enable this

Please note that the /say channel is a protected channel and cannot be used with addons.

Features and Bugs
If you have a feature request of find a bug please report them in the Issues section.