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Hyperframe is a powerful World of Warcraft addon designed to dynamically adjust graphics settings to enhance FPS, frame rate, performance, and visual quality based on the type of content you're engaged in. Whether you’re in a dungeon, raid, battleground, or exploring the open world, Hyperframe applies optimized presets to maintain a balance between high FPS and visual quality. Additionally, you can create a custom preset tailored to your preferences, adjusting key graphics settings such as view distance, terrain LOD, and lighting.

Hyperframe also includes a robust CVar Viewer that allows you to easily view and modify all console variables. Building upon the functionality of the popular addon Advanced Interface Options, the viewer unlocks additional console variables that are not accessible in other addons (the CVar Viewer is currently in beta and may experience lag while scrolling through the list.)


While Hyperframe offers extensive customization options, the default settings are designed to immediately enhance frame rate, whether you're in a major city, raid, or the open world.



  • Ensure that that "Login Optimizations" setting is disabled in Retail before playing Plunderstorm as the game will use these settings when launching Pluderstorm resulting in low view distances for objects and terrain.
  • Ensure that when you log out of retail, the preset that is applied should not be Low or Fair to prevent the same issues as the "Login Optimizations" note above.
  • If logging out in a City, which most do, ensure that any Content Settings like "Buff Durations" or "Floating Combat Text" is enabled if desired.
  • Plunderstorm does not allow addons to load, so Hyperframe is unable to adjust settings to their intended settings while playing this mode.


Important Details:

  • This addon will change most configured graphics settings at login to optimal levels. If you prefer to set your own values, uncheck Manage Graphics Settings under Global Graphics Settings.
  • If you try out the addon and decide it isn't for you, do not disable it without first clicking the Uninstall button under Global Addon Settings. This will revert all changed console variables to the previous settings you had applied.
  • If you've already made extensive console variable changes and graphic tweaks this addon may not be for you, as it could overwrite those changes. Reivew the list of changed console variables to ensure it won't affect your settings.


Join our Discord for extra performance tips and recommendations!



Key Features:

  • Content-Based Presets: Automatically applies predefined graphics settings for different content types, including dungeons, raids, arenas, battlegrounds, and more.
  • Custom Preset: Allows you to fine-tune specific graphics settings like ground effects, terrain level of detail, object fading, and more.
  • View Distance Control: Customize how far objects, terrain, and the horizon are rendered, with options for preset-specific view distances.
  • In-Combat Optimizations: Dynamically adjusts combat visuals like health prediction, floating combat text, and damage display to reduce screen clutter and improve FPS.
  • Global Settings: Applies global graphics settings to enhance performance, such as controlling particle effects, VRS (Variable Rate Shading), and render scale.
  • Logout Optimization: Reduces view distances and other graphics settings before logging out to improve loading times at the next login.


Slash Commands:

  • /hf: Opens the Hyperframe settings menu.
  • /hf preset_name: Temporarily applies the specified graphics preset.
  • /hf cvar: Opens the addon's CVar Viewer for quick access to variable settings.
  • /hf defrag: Manually defragments and frees up suballocated GPU resources to optimize performance.
  • /hf defaults: Restores the addon's default settings. This does not revert your pre-addon settings (use the Uninstall button for that).


With Hyperframe, you can optimize your graphics settings on the fly, ensuring that you always have the best balance between performance and visual quality, no matter where you are in the game.


Changed Console Variables (as of 12/19/2024):

animFrameSkipLOD Content Graphics Setting
assaoBlurPassCount Global Graphics Setting
assaoFadeOutTo Global Graphics Setting
assaoHorizonAngleThresh Global Setting (not user accessible)
assaoRadius Global Setting (not user accessible)
assaoShadowClamp Global Setting (not user accessible)
assaoShadowMult Global Setting (not user accessible)
assaoShadowPower Global Setting (not user accessible)
assaoSharpness Global Setting (not user accessible)
asyncHandlerTimeout Global Advanced Setting
asyncThreadSleep Global Advanced Setting
bodyQuota Global Setting (not user accessible)
buffDurations Content Setting
componentEmissive Global Graphics Setting
componentSpecular Global Setting (not user accessible)
componentTexCacheSize Global Advanced Setting
componentTexLoadLimit Global Setting (not user accessible)
componentTextureLevel Content Advanced Setting
doodadLodScale Content Preset Setting
enableQuestCacheLogging Global Setting (not user accessible)
entityLodDist Content Preset Setting
entityLodOffset Content Preset Setting
entityShadowFadeScale Content Preset Setting
farclip Content Preset Setting
ffxAntiAliasingMode Managed Graphics Setting
ffxDeath Global Graphics Setting
ffxGlow Content Graphics Setting
ffxNether Global Graphics Setting
floatingCombatTextCombatDamage Content Combat Setting
floatingCombatTextCombatHealing Content Combat Setting
FootstepSounds Global Audio Setting
graphicsComputeEffects Managed Graphics Setting
graphicsDepthEffects Managed Graphics Setting
graphicsEnvironmentDetail /HF UNINSTALL (to reset game graphics setting sliders)
graphicsGroundClutter /HF UNINSTALL (to reset game graphics setting sliders)
graphicsLiquidDetail Managed Graphics Setting
graphicsoutlineMode Managed Graphics Setting
graphicsParticleDensity Managed Graphics Setting
graphicsProjectedTextures Managed Graphics Setting
graphicsShadowQuality Managed Graphics Setting
graphicsSpellDensity Managed Graphics Setting
graphicsSSAO Managed Graphics Setting
graphicsSunshafts Managed Graphics Setting
graphicsViewDistance /HF UNINSTALL (to reset game graphics setting sliders)
groundEffectAnimation Global Graphics Setting (classic only)
groundEffectDensity Content Preset Setting
groundEffectDist Content Preset Setting
groundEffectFade Content Preset Setting
GxAllowCachelessShaderMode Global Advanced Setting
GxMaxFrameLatency Global Advanced Setting
gxMTAlphaM2 Global Advanced Setting
gxMTDecals Global Advanced Setting
gxMTMisc Global Advanced Setting
gxMTOpaqueM2 Global Advanced Setting
gxMTOutlines Global Advanced Setting
gxMTVolFog Global Advanced Setting
GxSlowShaderWarnThreshold Global Setting (not user accessible)
HorizonStart Content Preset Setting
ImpactModelCollisionMelee Content Advanced Setting
ImpactModelCollisionMissile Content Advanced Setting
ImpactModelCollisionRanged Content Advanced Setting
instantQuestText Global Setting (not user accessible)
interactQuestItems Global Setting (not user accessible)
locateViewerMaxJobs Global Setting (not user accessible)
lodObjectCullDist Content Preset Setting
lodObjectCullSize Content Preset Setting
lodObjectFadeScale Content Preset Setting
lodObjectMinSize Content Preset Setting
MaxCharacterComponentLoadStartsPerFrame Global Setting (not user accessible)
maxFPSLoading Global Setting (not user accessible)
maxLightDist Content Preset Setting
MaxObservedPetBattles Global Setting (not user accessible)
minimapTrackingShowAll Global Setting (not user accessible)
MSAAQuality Managed Graphics Setting
nameplateMaxDistance Content Combat Setting
occlusionMaxJobs Global Setting (not user accessible)
pathSmoothing Content Advanced Setting
physicsLevel Managed Graphics Setting
predictedHealth Global Combat Setting
preloadLoadingDistObject Global Setting (not user accessible)
preloadLoadingDistTerrain Global Setting (not user accessible)
preloadPlayerModels Global Setting (not user accessible)
preloadStreamingDistObject Global Setting (not user accessible)
preloadStreamingDistTerrain Global Setting (not user accessible)
ReplaceMyPlayerPortrait Content Combat Setting (retail only)
ReplaceOtherPlayerPortraits Content Combat Setting (retail only)
ResampleAlwaysSharpen Global Setting (not user accessible)
ResampleQuality Managed Graphics Setting
ResampleSharpness Global Setting (set once when first using addon)
sceneOcclusionEnable Global Advanced Setting
shadowBlendCascades Global Setting (not user accessible)
shadowRt Managed Graphics Setting
shadowSoft Global Graphics Setting / Managed Graphics Setting
shadowTextureSize Global Graphics Setting / Managed Graphics Setting
showDispelDebuffs Content Combat Setting
showfootprintparticles Global Setting (not user accessible)
showLoadingScreenTips Global Setting (not user accessible)
SkyCloudLOD Content Graphics Setting
smoothUnitPhasing Global Setting (not user accessible)
SortDiskReads Global Advanced Setting
Sound_DSPBufferSize Global Advanced Setting
Sound_EnableArmorFoleySoundForOthers Global Advanced Setting
Sound_EnableArmorFoleySoundForSelf Global Advanced Setting
Sound_EnableDSPEffects Global Audio Setting (retail only)
Sound_EnableErrorSpeech Global Setting (not user accessible)
Sound_MaxCacheableSizeInBytes Global Audio Setting
Sound_MaxCacheSizeInBytes Global Audio Setting
Sound_OutputSampleRate Global Audio Setting
SoundPerf_VariationCap Global Audio Setting
specular Content Graphics Setting
SplineOpt Global Advanced Setting
ssaoMagicNormals Global Setting (not user accessible)
teleportMaxNoLoadDist Global Setting (not user accessible)
terrainLodDist Content Preset Setting
TerrainLodDiv Content Preset Setting
terrainMipLevel Global Setting (not user accessible)
textureFilteringMode Managed Graphics Setting
unitClutter Global Setting (not user accessible)
unitClutterInstancesOnly Global Setting (not user accessible)
unitClutterPlayerThreshold Global Setting (not user accessible)
UnitNamePlayerGuild Content Combat Setting
UnitNamePlayerPVPTitle Content Combat Setting
unitsLookAtPlayers Content Advanced Setting (retail only)
UseSlug Global Advanced Setting
useTargetFPS Managed Graphics Setting
violenceLevel Content Graphics Setting
vrsValar Managed Graphics Setting
weatherDensity Content Graphics Setting
wmodoodadDist Global Setting (not user accessible)
wmoLodDist Content Preset Setting
worldBaseMip Global Graphics Setting
worldIntersectMaxJobs Global Setting (not user accessible)
worldPreloadHighResTextures Global Setting (not user accessible)
worldPreloadNonCriticalTimeout Global Setting (not user accessible)
worldViewCullMaxJobs Global Setting (not user accessible)
ThreadPoolLimitMP Global Setting (not user accessible)
ThreadPoolLimitLP Global Setting (not user accessible)