HandyNotes: Mists of Pandaria (Treasures and Rares) will start downloading in 5 seconds...
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A HandyNotes plugin to show the Pandaria rares and treasures on your map.
They're rare spawns, so they're not guaranteed to be there... but at least you'll know where to look.
Items that you've already collected won't be displayed. (This uses the "flag" quests that the game relies on to keep track of the items. Sometimes these glitch; generally if they do so, you also won't have gotten achievement-credit, so you'll likely still be interested in the item.)
Requires HandyNotes.
Want this but for Draenor? HandyNotes_TreasureHunter!
What else might help me find things?
- Handy Minimap Arrow will make your player-arrow on the minimap appear above all the notes I'm adding to it
- What's On The Map? will show a list of the vignettes currently up nearby
- Minimap Range Extender will make map vignettes visible from further away