Tracks Achievement and Quest completion on an account and per character basis.Lots of helpful map pins with tips for completion. Very configurable.
*** For When You Want More Than Just Map Coordinates ***
Retail / Classic Cataclysm / Classic
How to Use
Instal like any other AddOn. Requires Handy Notes to work. Configurable.
Eastern Kingdoms / Kalimdor / Outland / Northrend / Draenor Garrisons
Features Winter Veil Themed Icons
This addOn keeps you in the game and endeavours to make switching to Wowhead unnecessary. There are so many Achievements and how to complete those achievements is rarely explained in-game. I've done the hard yards for you. In the zones I've listed above just look for the Winter Veil themed icons. Quite a few of the achievements are covered with the focus being to include the annoying or difficult achievements and to omit the easy ones. The information is in the Tooltips of each icon.
No Need For Wowhead
Completion Status
Where there is a relevant Achievement or quest, the "completion" status will be shown. The first line is the overall account completion - any character at any time in the past. The second line will show whether the current chracter itself has completed the Achievement or quest. Subsequent lines show the completion status for the character for an Achievement's criteria or a daily or seasonal quest.
Holiday Events
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