
HandyNotes: Scourge Invasion of Shadowlands will start downloading in 5 seconds...


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A HandyNotes plugin for the Scourge Invasion of Shadowlands added in 9.0. This addon is based on Mechagon & Nazjatar plugins(thanks Zarillion). It will add the locations, rewards, and respawn order for rare mobs on the map.



Rares listed as colored skulls. A blue skull means you still need a reward from it.



Scale icon sizes and alpha by type.

Show only the rares you still need rewards from.



If TomTom is installed, waypoints to nodes can be created in the right-click menu.



For rares those drop appearances, the rare will appear blue if one or more of your class specializations can loot the item and equip it. If those requirements are not met, the rare will show as white and you will see one of the two following statuses for the item:

  • Unobtainable - Your class can equip the item, but it cannot drop for you.
  • Unlearnable - Your class cannot equip the item.



This addon has been supported to the following languages:

  • enUS - English
  • zhCN - Chinese (Simplified)
  • ruRU - Russia (Thanks hubbotu)
  • frFR - French (Thanks deadse)
  • esES - Spanish (Thanks quvalek)
  • itIT - Italian (Thanks faniel80)
  • deDE - German (Thanks Headuscrasha)

* If you would like to translate the addon to another language, please leave me a message.


Did I miss something?

Let me know in the comments if:

  • Something is out of place on the map.
  • A reward is missing from a rare.
  • Icons are not removed from the map when expected.


Bug fixes

* Fixed Scourgelord Tyrannus' pin location (Thanks Sojourna)

* Updated drop database (Thanks Sojourna)

* Fixed an item display issue. (Thanks boredguy8 and Sojourna)