Places customisable and annotated pins on the World Map and Minimap to assist with completing the Hallow's End world event. You are informed of Achievement progress and quest completion on an account and per character basis.
*** For When You Want More Than Just Map Coordinates ***
Tracks Achievement / Quest Progress
How to Use
Instal like any other AddOn. Requires Handy Notes to work. Configurable.
Eastern Kingdoms / Kalimdor / Outland / Northrend / Cataclysm / Pandaria / Draenor / BfA / Dragon Isles
Features Hallow's End Themed Icons
Hallow's End is one of the easier World Events for achievement hunters but this AddOn nevertheless provides useful tips and reminders and it is especially useful for tracking your "Tricks and Treats" achievements progress across all the continents. Pass your mouse over an icon to see the completion status for your account and your character. You will delight at the thematic variety of configurable icons, based upon in-game art.
No Need For Wowhead
Combined Retail and Wrath - One Download
- Extra buckets which are not a part of any achievement.
- Miscellaneous Hallow's End quests (the XP is decent!)
- Got a level 3 Town Hall in your Garrison?
- Vashj'ir candy bucket locations are useless if you cannot find the cave entrance. No worries!
- That pesky missing bucket in Kun-Lai Summit? I tell you how to unlock it.
- Tips for completing the two dailies in your enemy city? Of course!
- Confusion about which Zidormi version of a zone to use? I tell you if you are in the wrong phase!
Holiday Events
You might enjoy my other Holiday Event AddOns: