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This addon keeps track of any changes in your guild roster, and also reports changes that happened while you were offline. It plugs into any DataBroker display addon (like ChocolateBar, Bazooka or TitanPanel) to present the list of detected changes.

  • The following types of changes are detected and can be toggled on or off:
    • Players leaving/joining the guild (also works for realm transfers)
    • Name changes
    • Rank up/down
    • Level up
    • Achievement points changes
    • Public & officer note changes
    • Character activity (using offline time and a configurable threshold)
    • Account activity (using Scroll-of-Resurrection flag)
  • Various options are available to control the appearance of the change history overview, and how to report changes to a chat channel.
  • Supports cross-realm characters in guild
  • Supports multiple guild tracking, as long as you have a character in it


  • An Account activated change is also triggered when a player receives a Scroll-of-Resurrection. And when this scroll expires a week later, it triggers an Account deactivated change.
  • When someone really has activated their account, you might see Account changes each time they log another alt. The Scroll-of-Resurrection flag seems to jump to the next inactive alt until all have logged on.
  • Name changes are detected by matching the information of Member left and Member joined changes.
  • Ideally all your characters have the same officer note access within a guild. Whenever you log on a non-officer character, all officer notes for that guild will be cleared, making change detection impossible.

If you find an error or have a suggestion for improvement, please create a ticket.