This is a plugin for GSE3. The GSE add-on is required and installed to use this macro plugin. GSE can be downloaded here: https://www.curseforge.com/wow/addons/gse-gnome-sequencer-enhanced-advanced-macros
Step-by-Step Instructions for Holy’s GSE Macros:
Install GSE.
Install - Holy’s GSE Macro for your desired class.
Open the GSE Options In Game (type /gse then click options).
On the left side drop-down menu, go to Plugins, then select the GSE3-Holy’s_ClassName button.
Once this is done, close the Blizzard add-on options. With the GSE window still open, click the KeyBind button and click the “Keybind” or “Actionbar Override” button to attach the sequence to it.
Go to Dornogal, find the Cleve Training Dummies, and press your chosen KeyBind to ensure the macro works.
Click this link and scroll down. Click on comments and leave me your questions or feedback.
Then consider joining Holy’s Community. All support for the community is much appreciated!
Now you’re all done. Go celebrate and have fun with your new and 100% legit working macro :)