Important Note: This depends on GSE3 or higher
This is a plugin for GSE and you need to have it installed to use this plugin. GSE is available at
How to Use GSE-Crogin Macros:
Install GSE
First, you'll need to install the GSE (Gnome Sequencer Enhanced) addon, which is required to use these macros.
Install GSE-Crogin Macros
Once GSE is installed, download and install GSE-Crogin Macros.
Open GSE Options in-game
Type /gse in your chat box, then click on Options.
Select the GSE-Crogin Plugin
Under Plugins, choose the GSE-Crogin button. This will save the macros to your account, and you’ll get a confirmation message in your chat window. If a macro with the same name already exists, the system will ask what you want to do.
Assign Macros to Hotkeys
Next, click on the KeyBind button. Then, either click Keybind or Actionbar Override to assign the macro to your hotbar.
You're Done!
Once you've set it up, you're ready to use the macros in-game!
Additional Information:
If you have any feedback or suggestions, feel free to leave them on the Wow Lazy Macros website under the appropriate macro topic. Comments might not be seen quickly, but posting there will get you more attention!