This addon is the fixed version of which broke since phase 5 of SoD
Discovered bug with CurseForge : If you first install "gearquipper-fixed", then delete "gearquipper" from curseforge, "gearquipper-fixed" seems to be deleted too. Re-installing it should fix the issue (right-click on "gearquipper-fixed" + reinstall)
Tired of using the built in WoW Classic equipment manager? Go for GearQuipper! It lets you save and switch between gear sets and action slot configurations with ease.
Supports Classic Era, TBC Classic and WOTLK Classic, and now Classic SoD
- Create complete or partial gear sets and quickly switch between sets
- Action bar configuration can be saved and loaded with your sets (similar to "dual spec" but based on sets, not on talents)
- Automatically switch between sets based on events (e.g. mount, dismount, enter/leave zone, warrior stances, druid forms and paladin auras and many more; NEW: talent change and deathknight presences)
- Quick switch slots for single items
- Items remember their last bag if they get unequipped
- Macro compatibility. See macro examples.
- Push to bank / Pull from bank feature
- LDB / Data Broker Support
- Automatic spell upranking on your action bars once a new spell rank has been learned
- NEW: Set item comparison tooltips (hotkey: L-Alt)
- Helmet/cloak visibility will also be saved and loaded with your sets
- Option to exclude manually switched items from event triggered set switches
- Many more...
Supported / Compatible Addons
- AdiBags (item highlighting only)
- ArkInventory (full support)
- Bagnon (item highlighting only)
- DejaClassicStats
- ElvUI + WrathArmory
- Extended Character Stats
- GW2 UI
- Titan Panel
Supported Languages
- chinese/simplified (zhCN), incomplete
- chinese/traditional (zhTW), incomplete
- english (enUS)
- french (frFR), incomplete
- german (deDE)
- korean (koKR), incomplete
- spanish (esES), incomplete
=> Feel free to add translations.
Known Issues / Hints
- Macros: Since the Blizzard WoW API does not provide a way to reliably distinguish macros, make sure there are no duplicate macro names. Also, numerical macro names are confused with macro IDs (their position in alphabetical order). So please avoid macro names which only contain numbers. This is a general problem with the WoW API and does not only affect GearQuipper.
- If you have "automatic spell upranking" enabled, please beware that that there is a server delay on events when learning new skills. Leaving a second between each new learned spell will make sure that action slots will be updated properly.
- The "enter combat" event only supports weapons switching and will fail if the following conditions are not met: 1) Your weapons set needs "affects action slots" to be disabled and 2) Your weapons set needs to be partial with only the weapon slots enabled.
- Unique gems (e.g. dragonseye) might cause problems with set switching. Just trigger the set switch again to complete the switch. This is on my to do list.
=> For beginners guides and additional information see the addon pages.
=> If you recently transferred to another server, read the server migration guide.
=> Feel free to submit bugs or suggestions below.
Check out his other addons: