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# Fonsas Death Radar

A dynamic radar display that visualizes death hotspots in World of Warcraft, helping players identify dangerous areas in real-time.

## Description
Fonsas Death Radar is an innovative addon that creates a circular radar display showing areas where players have died frequently. By interpreting data from WowSims/Cata, it provides a visual heatmap that rotates with your character, helping you identify and avoid dangerous zones.

## Features
- **Real-time Visualization**: Dynamic radar that updates as you move and rotate
- **Death Heatmap**: Color-coded intensity display showing areas of frequent deaths
  - Blue: Low-risk areas
  - Yellow: Medium-risk areas
  - Red: High-risk danger zones
- **Customizable Interface**:
  - 10 different frame styles to choose from
  - 2 grid styles
  - Adjustable size (30-100%)
  - Customizable frame colors and brightness
  - Toggleable background visibility

## Usage
- Use `/fdr` to open the configuration panel
- Left-click and drag to move the radar
- Right-click to open settings (when not in combat)
- Adjust size, style, and colors through the interface options

## Requirements
- Requires Deathlog addon
- Compatible with WoW Classic