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Аддон для быстрого поиска новых игроков в гильдию


Addon to quickly find new players in the guild









I have problems with the addon. (any problems)

1) update FGI to the latest(release) version

2) turn off all other add-ons

If the problem persists, report it. Use "/console scriptErrors 1" and "/reload" ("/console scriptErrors 0" to disable). Indicate as much information as possible (game version, add-on version, sequence of your actions).

If after switching off other add-ons the problem has been fixed:

3) turn on add-ons one by one

4) tell after which addon the problem is returned


FGI does not continue to scan.

You need to press the play button to continue the search. this is a blizzard limitation, I can only suggest setting a hotkey or using a macro

/fgi nextSearch

/fgi invite


There is no advance search or simple search.

They were deleted, smart search is now used, or you can customize the list of queries yourself


Addon invites a player who is already a member of the guild

This means that the player managed to join the guild after the addon found him, but before you managed to invite him. when a player logs in or out, for a second it can show that they do not have a guild... this is why the addon finds them (if the search is done in that split second).


Addon invites me

This is a bug of the built-in invitation function


Addon settings file

WTF\Account\ ...\SavedVariables\FastGuildInvite.lua