Ingame MP3 player for WoW
This is an extension to the EpicMusicPlayer Add-on. You will also need to install EpicMusicPlayer.
Addon Installation
Same as with other addons.
Download the addon and copy the folder EpicMusicPlayer_MP3 form the .zip file to your Wow AddOns folder.
e.g <wow>\Interface\AddOns\EpicMusicPlayer_MP3
How do I add music to the player?
1. Create a folder named "MyMusic" in your World of Warcraft folder e.g: C:/Program Files/World of Warcraft/_retail_ for retail and under ../_classic_ for classic.
2. After it is created, copy the songs you want into that folder (Reminder: They must be mp3 format to be used).
3. In the EpicMusicPlayer_MP3 folder double-click the "PlaylistCreator.vbs" file.
4. Start the game and enjoy your music.
I have a Mac, how do I create the playlist?
The mac version of the playlist manager is no longer supported. But you can still download it from version 1.1 of this addon.
Can I add music from iTunes?
Unfortunately the music bought via iTunes is in a format that can't be played by any WoW add-on because of limitations in the WoW client. You will have to convert your music to mp3 format.