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🤗 Localization
[ 100% Support ] 简体中文, 繁體中文, 한국어, ру́сский язы́к, English, Deutsch
[ WIP ] Español, français, Português, Italiano
❤️ Credits
- Siweia (NDui)
- Loudsoul (TinyInspect, TinyTooltip)
- Merathilis (ElvUI_MerathilisUI)
- Tox, Nawuko (ElvUI_ToxiUI)
💦 Features
★ Media Files
3 fonts, 5 textures and 2 ringtones.
★ Item
- Delete Item: Enter DELETE automatically; Click to confirm; Delete Key support.
- Already Known: Add a colored overlay to the recipes you have already learned.
- Fast Loot: Make the auto-loot more efficiently.
- Trade: Say thanks to the trade target with one-click.
- Extra Item Bar: Add bars to collect flasks, potions, quest items, and custom items automatically.
- Contacts: Add a contact frame beside the mail frame.
- Inspect: Add an equipment list beside the character panel and inspect frame.
- Extended Merchant Pages: Extend the merchant frame to show more items.
★ Combat
- Raid Markers: Add bar contains mark buttons, ready check, pull counter, and more!
- Combat Alert: Show an animation when you enter or leave combat.
- Quick Keystone: Put the keystone from bag automatically.
- Class Helper: Special features for each class. (e.g. DK: Death Strike Estimator)
★ Map
- Who Clicked?: Display the name of players who clicked the minimap.
- Rectangle Minimap: Customize the minimap with diffrent length of width and height.
- Minimap Buttons: Collect all the minimap buttons to a bar.
- World Map: Remove the fog of war; scale the world map.
- Super Tracker: Right click to clear waypoint; unlock the distance limitation, etc.
- Instance Difficulty: Reskin the instance diffculty in text style.
- Event Tracker: Track the world events in the world map.
★ Quest
- Objective Tracker: Customize the style, size, font of objective tracker.
- Turn In: Turn in the quest automatically; Open follower recruit frame automatically.
- Switch Buttons: Add buttons for switching turn in and announcement module status.
- Paragon Reputation: Show colored reputation bars and rewards after reaching Paragon.
★ Social
- Chat Bar: Add a bar contains channel buttons, roll, emote; Custom world channel and custom community channel is also supported.
- Chat Link: Add additional information, icons to the links.
- Chat Text: Change the role icon sets; No brackets in the name; Better abbreviation.
- Context Menu: Add the following buttons to the context menu: guild invite, armory, who.
- Emote: Add support for send and parse emotes.
- Friend List: Add colorful level, faction, area text into friend list.
- Smart Tab: Use Tab to cycle the chat channel; Save the whisper target cross character.
★ Announcement
- Quest: Detailed quest progress.
- Interrupt: Send a message after the spell interrupt; Supports pet spells.
- Taunt: Send a message after the taunt spell cast; Supports pets and monk ox statue.
- Combat Resurrection: Alert teammates the usage of combat resurrection spells.
- Utility: Alert the usage of bots, feast, toys, and more.
- Threat Transfer: If someone tries to transfer the threat to the other player, send a message.
- Goodbye: Say goodbye to teammates after the dungeon is completed.
- Thanks: Say thanks for the player who helped you.
- Reset Instance: Alert teammates after instance resetting.
★ Tooltip
- Icons: Add the icon of items and spells.
- Objective Progress: Add the additional progress information of mobs.
- Group Info: Add LFG group information into tooltips.
- Health Bar: Set the offset of the health bar and health text in tooltips.
- Tier Set: Add the number of the equipments in the tier set in tooltips.
- Progression: Add the raid progression, special archivements, and mythic+ scores in the inspect tooltip.
★ Unit Frames
- Quick Focus: Set focus to mouseover unit by modifier key + click.
- Absorb: Customize the texture of ElvUI absorb bar, and add Blizzard style absorb spark to the end of health bar.
- Role Icon: Change the icon pack of role icons.
★ Skins
- Vignetting: Add the shadowed border inner game interface.
- Angry Keystones Skin: Apply skins for Angry Keystones mythic plus timer.
- Blizzard Frame Skins: Additional skins for Blizzard frames.
- ElvUI Frame Skins: Reskin ElvUI modules.
- WindTools Skins: Reskin WindTools modules.
- Ace3 Skins: Apply skin for Ace3-GUI widgets.
- Bigwigs Skin: Apply skin for Bigwigs.
- BugSack Skin: Apply skin for BugSack.
- Hekili Skin: Apply skin for Hekili.
- Immersion Skin: Apply skin for Immersion.
- NetEase Meeting Stone Skin: Apply skin for NetEase Meeting Stone.
- Myslot Skin: Apply skin for Myslot.
- Mythic Dungeon Tools Skin: Apply skin for Mythic Dungeon Tools.
- Premade Groups Filter Skin: Apply skin for Premade Groups Filter.
- TinyInspect Skin: Apply skin for TinyInspect.
- TomCat's Tour Skin: Reskin the tooltip and header of TomCat's Tour.
- WarpDeplete Skin: Reskin the bars in WarpDeplete.
- WeakAuras Skin: Apply skins for WeakAuras, WeakAuras option.
- AdiBags Skin: Apply skin for AdiBags. (AdiBags ElvUI Skin is needed)
- Simulationcraft Skin: Apply skin for Simulationcraft.
- RadierIO Skin: Apply skin for RadierIO.
- OmniCD Skin: Apply skin for OmniCD Config GUI, icons, and status bars.
- Autionator Skin: Apply skin for Auctionator all frames.
- Postal Skin: Apply skin for Postal normal buttons and quick attach buttons.
★ Misc
- CVars Editor: Simple editor for changing CVars.
- Move Frames: Move Blizzard frames and ElvUI bags with drag; Supports remember positions.
- Transmog: Add support of saving artifacts in wardrobe outfits.
- Mute: Disable some annoying sound effects.
- Pause to Slash: Convert CJK pause to slash.
- Disable Talking Head: Disable the talking head.
- Tags: Additional tags like range, health text without the sign, class color.
- Game Bar: A system bar in modern style; Support customization.
- Skip Cut Scene: Skip most cut scenes; Press the modified key to stop it temporarily.
- LFG List: Reskin the icons inside LFG group list with a bar in class color.
- Move Speed: Add move speed to the list in character panel.
- Automation: Automatically accept resurrection, summon and hide frames in combat.
- Math Without Kanji: Replace Kanji with latin characters in values.
- Auto Screenshot: Screenshot after you earned an achievement automatically.
- Hide Crafter: Hide crafter name in the item tooltip.
- HotKey Above CD: Show hotkeys above the ElvUI cooldown animation.
- Guild News Item Level: Show item level of each item in guild news.
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