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A template for a minimalistic addon that uses EasyOptions. Complete a few steps and you are ready to go!



Quick Start Guide

Do the following to create a new addon that uses EasyOptions:

1. Download or install this addon.
2. Replace "EasyOptionsTemplateBasic" with the name of your addon in all .lua and .toc files contained in this addon.

IMPORTANT: Make sure to disable match whole word when doing the find-replace operation.

3. Review all values in the EasyOptionsTemplateBasic\EasyOptionsTemplateBasic.toc file.

4. Rename the following to the name of your addon:

a. The EasyOptionsTemplateBasic folder.

b. EasyOptionsTemplateBasic\EasyOptionsTemplateBasic.toc

c. EasyOptionsTemplateBasic\EasyOptionsTemplateBasic.tga (or delete that file)

5. If needed, copy the folder that contains your addon to your WoW \Interface\AddOns folder.

6. Install EasyOptions.

7. Done! Ready to start your new addon!



  • Install the EasyOptionsExamples addon for examples of how to implement EasyOptions in your addon.
  • You can also use the EasyOptionsTemplate addon as a template rather than this addon if you are building a complex addon.