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ZamestoTV: Easy World Quests Dreaming in the Dream will start downloading in 5 seconds...


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What is the addon for

Questions can be asked in a special discord channel (the channel is called API ADDON) - https://discord.gg/FvedJFwYMT

With this addon you can easily perform World Quests "Dreaming in the Dream". You will always know the right option. Thus, it is no longer required to remember the names of objects. This significantly urges the task, and also completely arrange errors when it is executed. 

For which fraction

This will make it easier to gain reputation with the Dream Wardens.

What languages works in

This addon will work in English, German and Russian.

Special thanks to

This addon supports languages such as:
Russian (ZamestoTV)
English (ZamestoTV)
German (Dathwada)
Chinese (枫聖御雷)