

Filter and display aggregated chat messages from channels commonly used for LFG (LookingForGroup, World, General). Instead of manually hunting through swarms of non-relevant postings, Chat LFG allows you to search for and display only the ones of interest. Just set the desired search term (raid/dungeon/quest/mob name, role etc) and the matching postings will be printed to your chat window, as an interactive line with linked author, what he's looking for and how many, for easy contact: Interactive chat line


v1.3.0 - lfg now accepts multiple dungeon search

Commands: /clfg or /chatlfg

Start looking for group: /clfg lfg SEARCHTERM

Start looking for members: /clfg lfm SEARCHTERM

Stop current search: /clfg stop


To use context menu Sign up for instance group feature (whispers the posting author with your role, class and level if applicable) you need to set your role. It is done by the following commands and only needs to be set once, as it will stay saved for further sessions:

Set role: /clfg role Tank/Healer/DPS




/clfg lfg ubrs lbrs

/clfg lfm brd tank/dps

/clfg role tank  




  • [x] Advanced message parsing (roles,  number of spots etc) // Additional improvements are planed
  • [x] Role-based filtering
  • [  ] Support for group creation (parse LFG, apart from LFM, messages, check player role, requirements, automatic invitate)
  • [  ] GUI    


NOTICE: This is a work in progress, there will be frequent updates/hotfixes for a while so please, bear with me