- Addons
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Dragonflight issues:
If you're getting locked out of using button abilities because of blocked addons, I recommend running the Bartender addon.
There are currently issues where 'taint' from addons is spreading, most likely as a result of the Edit mode system which causes pretty much all UI frames to be linked to each other through it, to the games action bar. This can result in a situation where you cannot use your abilities; every key press popping up an error message that an addon has been blocked, asking if you want to disable or ignore.
I believe we've fixed the taint issue in ButtonTimers, but other addons could still put you into the bad state. I know people with this problem that aren't running ButtonTimers. With Bartender, the action bars may still be tainted but when you press a key to cast a spell the execution path will no longer go through the tainted action bar code. Instead it will all be handled by that addon.
ButtonTimers is action buttons with timers attached. The timers can be configured to show a buff/debuff or the cooldown of a spell. The timers are highly configurable, with lots of options to play with.
Important note:
There are a limited number of action slots (1-120). These correspond to 10 bars of 12 buttons each. These are the same 120 slots that every action bar mod has to use (Bartender, PitBull, Blizzard's standard UI, etc.)
Chances are you aren't using all 12 slots on all 10 bars. You can configure ButtonTimers to use any of the 120 action slots you want. Do this with the "First button on bar is.." slider in the bar configuration.
If you don't change the "First button on bar is..", the bars will default to bars 10, 9, 8, 7. Note that bars 7-9 are by default the stance bars, so if your class uses stances you may wish to change it.
Getting Started:
When you first start the mod, you will see 4 bars of 12 buttons each. Open up the options (in the interface->addons panel), and disable the bars you won't be using. Next change the number of buttons from 12 to however many buttons you would like to see.
Now change the action slots the bar is showing you. Just take the action offset slider and slide it until you see some unused action buttons. Then drag the spells/abilities of your choice onto the bar.
The default is to track dots/debuffs/buffs. If that's what you want the timer to reflect, you are done. If you want to see a cooldown instead, select the configuration for the button and change the selector from "Aura" to "Cooldown".
There are lots of configuration options, go ahead and play with them. But that should be enough to get you started.
Bar configuration options are:
- '''Bar Enabled:''' enable / disable the bar.
- '''Hide out of combat:''' don't show the bar out of combat.
- '''Bar Locked:''' lock the bar in position so that it cannot be dragged.
- '''Orientation:''' horizontal or vertical layout for the buttons on the bar. You can also put the timers on the buttons themselves.
- '''Timer Location:''' you can select whether you want the bar be on the left or right of the button (in vertical orientation) or above/below the button (in horizontal orientation)
- '''Button Spacing:''' the space between the buttons on the bar.
- '''Bar Scale:''' size the whole bar larger or smaller
- '''Bar Length:''' length of the timer bar
- '''Button Count:''' number of buttons on the bar (1-12)
- '''First button on bar is..''' action slot number of the first button on the bar. Blizzard gives 120 action slots, which are traditionally allocated into 10 bars, but this mod gives a finer control over which slots you wish to use. Just slide this control until you find some unused slots.
Button options are:
- '''Type:''' Set whether you wish to monitor a cooldown or an aura on the default bar target. You can also monitor both aura and cooldown. The cooldown will show up on the button and the aura timer on the bar if you select both.
- '''Timer Type:''' The timer can either be shown as a percentage of the aura/cooldown duration or in fixed time. For example, if you choose a fixed time with a time of 10s, a full bar will always represent 10 or more seconds. This makes it easier to see which aura/cooldown will complete first, regardless of the spell's length.
- '''Bar Time:''' This sets the max time displayed on a fixed time timer bar. Any timer durations longer than Bar Time will show as a full bar.
- '''Show others' spells:''' By default, the timer will only monitor auras on the target if you were the caster of the spell. Click this button if you wish to see other's spells as well. The timer will always show your own spell if you have one on the target. Note: Pet spells do not count as being cast by you, so if you wish to monitor a pet spell then click this button.
- '''Other Auras:''' By default, an aura timer will monitor the bar's default target for an aura matching the name of the spell on the action button. In this field you can enter additional auras (in a comma separated list) to look for.
- "Show Aura Icon:" When checked, the icon on the button will update to match the aura we are showing the timer for.
- "Ignore Button Aura:" When checked, timers will only be created for the auras specified in the Other Auras field. If Show Aura Icon is also checked, then the icon on the button when no timer is present will be the first aura listed in the Other Auras field.
- '''Cooldown spell:''' By default, a cooldown timer will monitor the cooldown on the action on the bar. But you can also enter a spell name to monitor instead.
- '''Bar Color:''' The color of the timer bar.
- '''Target:''' This will select the default target (to target, focus target, self, party, pet) for all actions on the bar. It also controls what target to monitor for auras.
- '''Use as spell target:''' If set, target will be the spell target as well as the target to monitor for the selected aura.
- '''Warn less than cast time:''' Change the bar color when timer less than cast time. Also tints the action button.
- '''Warning Bar Color:''' Bar color for timers when remaining time less than cast time.
- "Adjust Cast Time:" Additional number of seconds to add, or subtract, from the cast time. Set this value to the effect's duration * 0.3 for the warn color to show when its safe to refresh an effect without wastage.
- '''Adjust Timer:''' Number of seconds to add to timer (can be negative).
Command line options:
'''/buttontimers reset''' - reset bar positions to default
'''/buttontimers config''' - open the configuration dialog (can also be accessed on Blizzards interface -> addons panel)