
Better Spellbook

Better SpellBook


Better SpellBook is an addon designed to bring back the familiar look and feel of the original Cataclysm spellbook UI. It's ideal for players who find the new spellbook interface too big.

Why Was This Addon Created?
When Blizzard updated the spellbook UI in modern WoW, many players felt that the new design lost some of the simplicity and charm of earlier versions and was unnecessarily large. Better SpellBook was created to restore the classic, streamlined interface from Cataclysm for those who prefer it, with updated graphics.

Known Issues:

  • Flyout Spells: Currently, flyout spells (such as teleport or portals) aren't fully supported in the spellbook. I'm trying to make them work, but something in Blizzard’s divine tomfoolery with the client UI code has made it a bit tricky to navigate. You can still drag them to your action bars, though. Update: It's a bug in Blizzard's code. You can't expand Flyout Spells until it's fixed.

Please report any bugs or issues with as much context as possible, as they can sometimes be tricky to reproduce.