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BenikUI is an external ElvUI mod, adding different frame style and new features like detatched portraits, dashboards and many more, also available for WoW Classic and WotLK. 

All game versions require ElvUI v13.68+ installed. Get it here.

You want to support BenikUI development? Become a Patron or Donate


  • The installer will run the first time you enable the addon or after ElvUI install ends. You can run the installer anytime, by clicking the Install button in BenikUI options.
  • Any install step can be avoided, thus keeping your current settings.
  • All options are in light blue color inside ElvUI options; currently in actionbars, unitframes, player and target portraits.


  • BenikUI looks better with ThinBorder Theme enabled and 1920x1080 resolution.


  • Ultra Fast: Find me at BenikUI Discord Server or at TukUI Discord Server
  • Fast: Report any issues by creating a ticket in Github Ticket Tracker
  • Slow: Report issues at the comments below.
  • Please try to reproduce any issues with only ElvUI, ElvUI_Options, ElvUI_BenikUI enabled.
  • Suggestions, recommendations, things to add/remove or to say thanks, at BenikUI site in or on the comments section.

Recommended addons:

Compatibility: BenikUI collaborates with most of ElvUI plugins.


  • Decors all ElvUI and Blizzard frames.
  • Shadows on all ui elements, including Nameplates, AuraBars. Also on DBM and BigWigs bars.
  • Replaces all Blizzard font instances with the default ElvUI font.
  • The decor can be Enabled/Disabled, recolored. Different colors can be applied in Actionbars decor.
  • 3 frame backdrop color themes plus the default ElvUI. 'Diablo' (dark red), 'Mists' (dark green), 'Hearthstone' (dark blue).
  • 3 Unitframes and 3 Actionbars layouts. Can be applied and combined during the install.
  • Party profiles for all layouts
  • System Dashboard that shows ms, fps, memory, durability, volume. Volume can be adjusted by left/right click - mouseover the speaker icon.
  • Tokens Dashboard based on AsphyxiaUI.
  • Professions Dashboard.
  • NEW! Reputations Dashboard.
  • NEW! Custom Panels.
  • Unique AFK Mode.
  • Unique Flight Mode.
  • Detached portraits - player and target. (Credit: Blazeflack)
  • Buttons beside the chat datatexts, that can show Addons - LFG (left chat) and Game menu - ElvUI options (right side). Shift and mouse over the cornered buttons, will show an arrow to hide the chat (like ElvUI does).
  • Missions, Mail, Achievement, Renown datatexts
  • 2 Small mouseovered buttons on the actionbar decor (bar 1 or 2), that can show/hide bar 3 and 5.
  • "Request Stop" button that appears while on flight path.
  • "Notifiers" add a small arrow and percentage beside the vertical xp/rep statusbars.
  • Profiles for Skada, Recount, Details, DBM, ElvUI VisualAuraTimers, AddOnSkins, MSBT.
  • Decors to fit with BenikUI: S&L, LocationPlus, LocationLite, Square Minimap Buttons, Recount, Skada, TinyDPS, Altoholic, AtlasLoot, ZygorGuides, RareCoordinator, Clique, Decursive, oRA3. AddOnSkins required. Many more to come. Just poke me


  • Elv, Tukz, Blazeflack, Azilroka, Simpy, Sinaris, Darth Predator, Dandruff, Hydra, Merathilis, Repooc, Kringel, thurin


  • thurin, cry1n, Beleynn, Ken P., Brookerz, Azaevia, Vega - FailZorD, Mykey

Top Donator:

  • CHRONiC. Thank you very much for your support

Known Issues:

  • None.