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An all-in-one UI with a focus on high end raiding and performance. bdUI is fully modular, meaning you can freely disable any aspect of it and only use what you want. Its high performance, unobtrusive, and progression raiding-oriented. Its less feature-rich (by design) than other full suites, and aims to be streamlined and extentable in the features it does offer.

Bug reports and discussion on our discord server.


> I only use bd"X", I don't want to use the whole UI!

Don't worry, the entire UI is modular and you can disable everything and keep only what you want without any performance loss.

> Why convert all of the seperate addons into a single addon?

I've been torn on the two approaches for years, but the announcement of classic pushed me over the edge. It'll be easier for me to maintain everything for both version of the game in a single package, rather than have 12 _classic versions of my addons. Having everything in one UI will also speed up development and bug fixing on my end.

> Will you stop supporting the other versions?

I will continue to update the other versions of my addons until bdUI moves out of beta. I'll still likely give those addons basic support, but the majority of the features and quality control will go into bdUI.

> When will bdUI leave beta?

The plan is for large-scale testing to begin after BigDumbGuild finishes Eternal Palance. bdUI will leave beta sometime after Blizzcon 2019.

Complete Features

  • Configuration Overhaul
  • Profiles
  • Spec-based profiles
  • Moving overhaul (with snapping!)
  • Localization Support
  • Minimap
  • Chat (with emojis)
  • Unitframes (arena WiP)
  • Actionbars
  • Nameplates
  • Buffs & Debuffs
  • Aura configuration
  • Bags (with adibags-style atlernative)
  • Grid
  • Tooltips
  • Viewports
  • Databars (xp, azerite, honor, reputation)
  • Standalone Resource Bar (power, stagger, runes, totems, holy power, combo points, chi)
  • Alternative Power
  • Quality of Life Additions


  • <input disabled="disabled" type="checkbox" /> Arena Frames
  • <input disabled="disabled" type="checkbox" /> Skinning
    • <input disabled="disabled" type="checkbox" /> Durability Movable
    • <input disabled="disabled" type="checkbox" /> GM Movable
    • <input disabled="disabled" type="checkbox" /> PVP Capture Movable

Low Priority Todo

  • <input disabled="disabled" type="checkbox" /> Multiple Default Profiles
  • <input disabled="disabled" type="checkbox" /> Auto-ace skinning
  • <input disabled="disabled" type="checkbox" /> Raid Marker Frame
  • <input disabled="disabled" type="checkbox" /> Resizable frames instead of size sliders
  • <input disabled="disabled" type="checkbox" /> Localization for all languages
  • <input disabled="disabled" type="checkbox" /> Setup tutorial