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A lightweight Addon to show you all enemies, allies and important player-specific information in battlegrounds, arenas (solo shuffle aswell)
To open the config panel type /BattleGroundEnemies or /bge into the chat.
To perform a version check of your group/raid members type /bgev into the chat.
Supports Retail, Classic, The Burning Crusade Classic, Wrath of the Lich King Classic and Cataclysm Classic
If you are wondering about the changes in each release take a look here: changelog
General Features:
- Ally and enemy frames (ally frames support mouseover macros, Clique)
- Supports Arenas, and BGs of all sizes
- Option to hide Arenaframes in a arenas or battlegrounds
- Assists you with target calling
- Higher transparency when out of set Range.
- Option to convert cyrillic characters into romanian letters
- Smart unitID management, this ensures health, power and range update as good as possible.
- Test mode which makes it easy to configure the addon even when not in a BG
- Profile support
- Shows CC and Interrupts on the Spec icon
- Custom mouse binding macros for left, right and middle click
- Supports OmniCC Cooldown Count
- Has lots of options to individually size or more stuff
- Added support for Blizzards mouseover casting in version
RBG specific features
- New Since Scan for Enemies using the combat log. Please note that with this method there is no way to get a players specialization, but it seems to be the only way since Dragonflight pre patch in RBGs
- Respawn timers
- Can notify you when you or a ally are targeted in a rated battleground
- Can automatically set raid target icons for target calling
Button Modules/Attachments:
- Prioriity Buffs
- Priority Debuffs
- Non Priority Buffs
- Non Priority Debuffs
- Castbars (New Feature in, only enabled in arenas by default)
- Combat indicator (New in, shows icons for players that are in combat / out of combat, disabled by default)
- Covenant
- Diminishing Returns of CCs
- Player Level
- Battleground Objectives like flag carriers
- Power bar
- Health bar
- Raid target icons
- Spec icon
- Class icon
- Target numbers (Shows how many enemies are targeting a player, if the player is your enemy it shows how many of your group members are targeting him)
- Target Icons (Shows an icon for every group members targeting a enemy on enemy frames, or how many enemies are targeting your group member on ally frame)
- Racial like Every Man for Himself, Arcane Torrent, Warstomp
- Trinket (Adaptation, Relentless, Gladiator's Medaillon, etc)
Default Settings:
- Left-Click to target the player
- Right-Click to set player as focus
Planned features:
- Adding an option to show familar icons for DR Tracker
Currently translated into:
- English
- German
- Spanish, thanks to neixer
- Korean, thanks to yuk6196
- Russian, thanks to stalker19921
- Simplified Chinese, thanks to supercclolz
- Traditional Chinese, thanks to gaspy10, RainbowUI
Feel free to contribute to this addon by translating with curseforge's localization tool:
Check out the FAQ at or simply ask on curseforge or Github :)
Feel free to send feedback about missing features or bugs in the Curse comment section or via ticket on Curseforge or GitHub