
AzerPUG's ToolTips will start downloading in 5 seconds...


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Description and Features

AzerPUG's ToolTips (slightly) changes the ToolTip of upgradable items to give the user more information that is otherwise not directly present in the ToolTips. Showing the next and max upgrade requirements with the specific icon for that item, right there in the ToolTip, without the need to go to an upgrade vendor or google the prices.

  • Mythic Plus Items (Valor Upgrades).
  • PvP Honor Items (Honor Upgrades).
  • PvP Conquest Items (Honor Upgrades).
  • Covenant Items (Anima Upgrades).
  • Korthia Items (Cataloged Research Upgrades).
  • Legendary Items (Soul Ash Upgrades).
  • Heirloom Items (Several Upgrade Methods). (Coming Soon!)

Optional Core

All AzerPUG AddOns are stand-alone and as lightweight as possible.
However, some very resource intensive things with AddOns are really nice to have.
In order to provide these extra things, like optimization or combining the AddOns into one bigger one, we have an optional, combined AddOn.
Anyone who uses several of our AddOns, is strongly suggested to use the AzerPUG's Core as well.
This Core AddOn will do several things that are considered an improvement by most people:
- Speed up loading times.
- Register events more efficiently.
- Deal with all the event handling for all AzerPUG AddOns.
- Deal with all the version control for all AzerPUG AddOns.

Bugs, Errors, Glitches and Requests.

If you find any of the above, please do not hesitate to create a GitHub Issue here: https://github.com/AzerPUG/ToolTips/issues
Or you can join our Discord and let us know in the AzerTech channel: http://www.azerpug.com/discord
Please note that our Discord Verification level prevents new people from talking/commenting/ranking in the first 10 minutes!

Custom AddOn

Are you looking for a custom AddOn? Did you use an AddOn that is no longer being developed? Do you want an existing AddOn to change?
You can comission us to do some programming for you through Fiverr here: https://www.fiverr.com/arcodielhof

Preferred Download Method

If you care for any of our AddOns, please consider downloading them through either of the following two methods.
These two download methods are the only ones that actually support the authors that created them and their hard work!

CurseForge Website: https://www.curseforge.com/wow/addons/azerpugs-tooltips/files
CurseForge Application: https://curseforge.overwolf.com/