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This addon is fairly simple and has a few options. You can set these values in the Interface Options -> Addons -> AutoInvite options window.

1. Enable/Disable

2. Set Invite Keyword

3. Set Channel Broadcast Name


Please note that this addon does not automatically convert to raid or convert to party. 



There is a list of slash commands to hopefully make things easier to set on the fly if you do not want to open up the options window. 


/autoinvite, /autoinvite help

These slash commands will display the help information in the chat window. 


/autoinvite enable 

Enables AutoInvite functionality. This means if anyone whispers the keyword then you will automatically invite them. 


/autoinvite disable

Disables AutoInvite functionality. If anyone whispers you the keyword it will not invite them. 


/autoinvite b [keyword], /autoinvite broadcast [keyword]

Broadcasts a message to the channel specified in the options. Example: "Whisper me 'invite' for invite."

The [keyword] portion is optional.



/autoinvite b jed - Broadcasts message to specified chat channel in options and sets keyword to 'jed '. 

/autoinvite b - Broadcasts message to specified chat channel in options.


/autoinvite keyword [keyword], /autoinvite k [keyword]

If the optional [keyword] is specified then it will change the keyword to the user input. If no keyword is specified then it prints out the currently set keyword in your chat frame.



/autoinvite k jed - Sets invite keyword to 'jed'. 

/autoinvite k - Displays current invite keyword in chat frame. 


/autoinvite channel [channel], /autoinvite c [channel]

If the optional [channel] is specified then it will change the keyword to the user input. If no channel is specified then it prints out the currently set channel in your chat frame.



/autoinvite c SAY - Sets channel name to SAY chat and when broadcasting message it will send it in say chat. 

/autoinvite c GUILD - Sets channel name to GUILD chat and when broadcasting message it will send it in guild chat. 

/autoinvite c - Displays current channel name in chat frame.