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AuctionMaster: Sell items in auction house and search for bargain
>>> AuctionMaster is not abandoned, I will always try to fix it after Blizzard's content patches for new addons. But it's very unlikely that I will add new features, or answer questions here or via PM. <<<
Create your own auctions easily, while seeing the auctions of your competitors. Search for cheap items and save your searches.
- Sell auctions with several pricing models
- Mass buy auctions from configurable item lists
- Scan the complete auction house in seconds
- Be reminded about wanted items
- See auction statistics in item tooltips
- See disenchant info and search for items with high disenchant values
- Mass cancel your own auctions and see which ones where undercut
- And many, many more features
If you like AuctionMaster it would be great if you press the like button and add it to your favorites list. Perhaps you want to try my other addons Lootlog or PetBattleMaster? :)
Udorn (Blackhand Europe)