A full feature raid panel created based on the Scorpio Lib, with this addon, you can:
You can created unit panels as many as you want, so you get different layout for each specialization and conditions(in raid, in party, solo, combat only, show dead only and etc)
You can bind any mouse or key board actions to cast spells on units. No matter what you binds, the left mouse click will still be used to target the unit.
Party member join/leave during combat will correctly re-layout those panels during combat, also a secure delay mechanism will make sure the refreshing more smoothing
use /ata unlock to unlock those panels, right click to open menu, check those features by yourselves.
You can use alt+right mouse click to add buff/debuff to black list, so you won't see them again.
You can use Ctrl+left mouse click to add debuff to a enlarge debuff list, so those'll be displayed on the top-right corner for better notifaction.
You can add macro condition to the panel to auto-hide it.
Besides the normal units like 'target', 'focus', 'focustarget', 'boss1' and etc, you also can use 'tank', 'maintank', 'mainassist' in the unit watch panel, so you can use 'tanktarget' to watch the tank's target unit. also you can use "unitname-target" and other complex unit in it. It's better to install my Aim mod, so the nameplate's event'll be used to refresh the unit with the same guid.
If you face any display erros, that may be caused by old value when system event triggered, you can use ALT+Z twince to force the UIParent hide/show, the AshToAsh will full refresh to panel during combat, so you don't have to reload the whole game.
You can use a html config panel to chang the group settings:
Based on the Scorpio's Style system, it's very easy to create your only skin for all the ui elements. That's the main reason I create this addon.
So this is a skin example:
The skin code is can be found at github gist, 33 lines only
You can run it with my Cube or WowLua and etc in-game editor
With the Scorpio v096 and LibHealComm-4.0 you can have the incoming heal displayed