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Little addon which saves me quite some time with all my twinks.
What it does
Rembers which of your chars are saved to which instance.
- Every Instance that gives you a SavedInstanceID is trackable! (LFR/nhc/hc/mythic raids, mythic 5mans, etc.)
- Daily Heroic Dungeon, PVP, etc.
- 5man heroics (Option to show 5mans in the tooltip is OFF by default)
- Emissary Bounty Caches
Updates on login and every time you get the 'You are now saved to this instance'-message, a shift-click on the tooltip forces a manual update. So you don't have to log onto your chars to see if you can join that raid with one of your alts
Currently only a LDB icon:
- Right click: Brings up the configuration (change tooltip colors, profiles)
- Left click: Bring up the RaidFrame, Shift-click for manual playerupdate
- Hovering: Shows a tooltip of all instances. Green = free, Red = locked out (default colors, you can change them)
Config options:
- Standard Ace3 profile things
- Change colors of the tooltip
- Change abbreviations used for instancenames (Ailo tries to get a 'first char of every word'-type, but that is kinda hard if you have a locale which relies heavy on utf-8 chars)