tLoot will start downloading in 5 seconds...
tLoot replaces the Carbine NeedVsGreed (Loot Roll) window with one that provides support for multiple items being displayed at once, as well as additional customisation features.
- Toez (Owner)
- Olivar Nax (Developer & Maintainer)
- Support for multiple roll windows to be opened at once.
- Rebindable keybinds.
- Customize the size of the windows.
- Customize location of the windows.
- Displays the people who have already chosen Need, Greed or Pass.
- Bottom-to-top sorting.
- Selectively suppress loot messages in chat.
- /tl - Toggles the display of the anchor window (Alternatively, click the eye button on the anchor to hide).
- /tl options - Opens the options window (Alternatively, click the cog button on the anchor).
In The Works
- Customize the color of each rarity.
- Persist the roll window until everybody has completed rolling.
- The only current solution to this will involved guess work. The current API does not even provide you with the loot rolls that you are waiting for others to complete rolling on.
Known Issues
- If you change the update speed, you must /reloadui.
- Occasionally the bar becomes unresponsive to the mouse (no tooltip, possibly can't click the buttons). If you are able to consistently reproduce this then please let me know.
If you encounter any issues then please post a comment with as much information as possible (reproduction steps, error messages).
Please feel free to post any issues or contributions on the Github page