Rolling Dice Loot Council will start downloading in 5 seconds...
This addon is a tool for the popular phenomenon of Loot Council (rather than roll-for-all or DKP).
How to use
Once you've killed a boss and the master loot window is full of loot write /lc or /lootcouncil to open the Loot Council window.
Choose an item in the dropdown and hit Start distribution button to let the raid know to link their current gear piece if they are interested in the current loot. The loot window will present a summary of the items linked for easy comparison.
Only people with RaidAssist or higher will be able to control the distribution but anyone can use the addon to see the comparison the loot council is considering at the moment.
Possible things to come
- Button to open the window via the Master Loot window.
- Master Loot history.
- ???
Thanks to my guildies in Catharsis for helping in beta.
Vim's ItemFinder for a clean way to present itemstats.