Starship Enterprise E (Star Trek) will start downloading in 5 seconds...
This is a project i worked on foa long time through different updates to get the ship to function the way i wanted to. It is an in game scale model of the Enterprise E which is why it took me so long to build.
Notable Ship Features:
- Transporter system set up to take you from shuttle at map home to all over the main ship and captains yacht
- When not using transporters in ship you can get around quickly using the turbo lifts
- 3 Cargo Bays full of storage space
- 2 Shuttle Bays with proper opening doors + 1 functioning shuttle door
- All NPC's unlocked to populate the ship but map was untouched otherwise.
- *Turn on/off the warp core by use of a dilithium crystal in engineering
- ** Yellow/ Red alert system through out the ship
- I added a few more details but you can find those on your own.
* Please remove the dilithum crystal from core before logging out, it acts weird the next time you log in if you left the machine running,
** You cant run both yellow alert and red alert at the same time you need to shut one off so the other will operate.
** You can enable the yellow/ Red alert from Bridge or Main Engineering however if you turn the system on at one location and off at the other it will act strange so i advise you don't do that .
Have Fun exploring the ship.
Copyright and stuff: "As i put countless hours into this project, it would be a kind gesture to credit me should you intend to reuse my design in your own maps. Not like i would go out of my way to hunt you down and find you Liam Neeson style if you don't. Also noteworthy that Enterprise, Star Trek, NC-1701-E are registered Trademarks of CBS Studios."