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SkyAdventure Beta v0.1


An small map with lots of floating islands (inspired by Isle Of Voices)




Works only on 1.4



Choose a class and only use that type of weapons

(Melle or Ranged is recomanded for beginers)


It haves:

-Starting island

-Corruption island

-Crimson island

-2 types of geodes one have multiple gems and one have multiple ores

-Custom dungeon (I want to make it bigger)

-Desert and Tundra Islands

-an Custom underworld.

- Much More Things


To Do list:

-Add Granite and Marble biomes

-Do spacing

-Expand dungeon






Map Concept: Balik Amadeus (Inspired by the map Isle of Voices)

Logo made by Balik Dominic (my brother)



Beta v0.1 - Added Desert and Tundra biomes, Added 1.4 items, Fixed issues and did some more spacing

Alpha 3 - Added Expert dificulty, Added one graveyard island. Improved jungle and underworld. Fixed issues

Alpha 2 - Fixed 1.4 crash issue, Fixed spawning in underworld issue, Improved Jungle biome, Added underworld biome, Added an enchanted sword and much more minor things,map is now way larger  minor bugs fixed, 

Alpha 1 - Released