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This is a world based off of my letsplay.


As this adventure of mine has ended, yours had just begun.



You, the player, are a son of the previous world owner and youre in search of his most valuable treasure, The Holy Gem, as its both a key to his shrine and allows world peace.The world grants golf and word puzzles plus action and dungeons! But of course, someone has stole it and you have no idea who it could be, so youre off to find it in this multi class world either alone or with a friend!  


Please note that everything here is mostly a puzzle, some are hard and some are not and on top of that you may even play with your friends to help you out!


If you plan to record the map or take screenshots or anything in general, Credit me 


Thanks a lot to everyone who has supported me!

If you find a dead end Please contact me ASAP


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