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Forgotten Land (Adventure, Survival, Quest) will start downloading in 5 seconds...


My dear friends! This is my newest map, based on previous map called FreeFall. I've been working on it for hours and hours, and it took me as much time to create, as my older map, named Minilands, even though it's a teeny tiny map. I've put all of my effort to making the map beautiful and as much exciting as possible. There will be plenty of things for you to do. You can follow quests, or just do whatever you want.

Either way, you should start with a new character (and in high quality of graphics shading). Please post me some feedback, so I can know that you like it or not, or what would you like to see changed or added...

Have a good time! Ps. Make me a gameplay videos, I really like to watch them. Thanks! =D

Screenshots: Pic 1

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