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Welcome to Fish World Survival! The goal is to beat the game with items only obtained from Fishing and Angler Rewards. There are 17 Biome Islands, 10 boss arenas and a Shimmer Island you can teleport to from a hub. Each island is themed in their respective Biome. Map comes with all the items you will need to get started, also has Angler in the Ocean and Goblin Tinkerer in the Underground



Remove all starter items upon making a new character

You are only allowed to buy the Tinkerer's Workshop and Rocket Boots from the Goblin Tinkerer

The Tinkerer's reforge option is allowed to be used to improve weapons and accessories

Do not move any NPCs to use their shops

No monster drops my be picked up except for monsters caught from fishing, this includes: Wandering Eye Fish, Zombie Merman, Hemogoblin Shark, Blood Eel, Dreadnautilus and Duke Fishron since all of them are found from fishing. Corrupt and Hallowed Mimics may be killed and looted if summoned from a chest

Obsidian, life fruit, Critters and Stars are allowed to be collected. To get obsidian, you can use a bottomless water and lava bucket or throw Obsidian Skin Potions in the Shimmer

If playing on expert or master mode, the demon heart is allowed to be used to gain an extra accessory slot

Every item you will need for boss summons are located in chests in their respective arenas

Read every sign in the starting Hub


Notes and Tips:


There is a chest in the crafting room that has 10 life crystals to help speed up time, but they're locked behind a shadow chest! This Chest also contains a few extra goodies like the Hellforge

Collecting fallen stars while waiting for the next angler quest early is helpful, best place to get them is on the moon lord/mechanical boss arena

Throwing unwanted potions into the Shimmer is useful for gathering ingredients for more useful potions

Golden Keys are located in a chest in the dungeon

Set spawn point to the Ocean Biome bed to get to the Angler faster