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NEW Latest Update - ALL ITEMS MAP - All Platforms -By Scopey Mopey will start downloading in 5 seconds...


Scopey’s Version 1.4.4+ Latest All Item Map.

By Scopey Mopey.


This is an ‘All Items Map’ created for Terraria players on all platforms to grant players deepest desires such as housing to survive the night in, being able to adventure with a full set of the highest ranked gear, and All items you can think of to prepare yourself for a battle against the endgame bosses!

*This map Contains Every Single Item in the latest version of the game*

compatible for all Mobile devices.
compatible for pc and Mac.

compatible for Nintendo switch.

compatible for Console (USB required).



This map Contains all of Scopey Mopey’s previous All Item Worlds combined with new twists, new structures, and all latest Items added to the game. These maps and changes include:


-A Teleportation Hub: For quick travel and easy access to All items. (NEW)

-Space Craft with All 1.4.4+ Items: (NEW)

-Scopey The Dopey-Mopey 1.3 All Item Map: Original Structure.

-World Of Light 1.4 All Item Map: Original Structure.

-Scopey&Swizz 1.3 All Item Map: Original Structure.

-Scopey&Jbro129 1.3 All Item Map: Original Structure.

-Scopey&LilTerrarian 1.3 All Item Map: Original Structure.

-Scopey&Lolpt 1.3 All Item Map: Original Structure.

-Scopey Mopey’s Private Blimp: Original Structure.


Credit to Collaborators (Who worked on Original Structures with me).




