Achievement Hunter Series will start downloading in 5 seconds...
What is "Achievement Hunter"?
Series of adventure maps with primary objective getting a certain Minecraft achievement concentrated around a story. (It is an adventure map after all) It won't be just find and chop a tree, trust me, you will have to fight for it. The post will be updated as frequent as posible. Many more episodes are planned to be added.
A boy called AH (Achievement Hunter) is all about doing what no one have ever done. This is why people call him Achievement Hunter (AH). But what he was doing was never life treatening. Untill one night somenthing happened that changed his life. (You will learn more about it in game)
1. Use ONLY the character provided;
2. Do not cheat or use mods;
3. If you spawn in the Red Box Of Death (RBOD) read the signs and DO NOT BREAK IT.
4. If there are episode specific rules OBEY them.
Random Sentences:
It is not necessary to play Ep0, but it is recomendet to get into the story.
If you press "Download now" you will download the latest episode, if you want to play older episodes go to other downloads.
WARNING: The creator is lazy!
This map contains improvised boss fights.
Comments are always welcome!
This thread is not dead, you hear me, NOT DEAD!
OVER 100 DOWNLOADS!!! Thanks to you all!
Ep 2 is currently in planning stage.
Ep 2 was finaly started, it will be out soon.
Ep 2 is almost done. Just some finishing touches left.
Ep 2 is out. If you like mining, then get ready to mine a lot! Oh, and also, thanks to everybody, 200 DOWNLOADS reached.
Sorry for working so slow but I want to have fun making the episodes not this being a responsibility. Anyway, thank you for the 300, Ep3 is going to be late, instead there will be something else (I do not know how to call it yet)
We've got 'em 400!
Hello everyone! With 1.2 near release, I think I should abandon this project. I will do more maps with 1.2 when I learn more about it. Thank you for the downloads, I hope you enjoyed it. Goodbye and have fun with Terraria 1.2!