promotional bannermobile promotional banner
premium banner


Contains all legend/lore, and champions currently accessible in open world.  It does not include legends in instances without maps.  There are no quest objectives, however, with enough requests, I will consider adding them in. As of right now, this is just a static waypoint file that adds the waypoints to the in game map.


Has been updated and field checked for SWL, and will continue to be updated with the release of new content and seasonal events.


Global and Regional legends are marked with L

Black Signal legends are marked with BS

Bestiary legends are marked with B

Samhain legends and points are marked with H

Any specific bestiary summon pieces are marked with M


I now include a copy that uses custom icons for the lore and champions. Please note that uses the custom icons means you cannot change the waypoints in game or it will erase the use of the custom icons.


Please let me know if you find anything that needs correcting!


The Tokyo champions have multiple locations and I may not have found all of them. Please let me know if there is a location that I missed.



Please note using these files will overwrite existing custom waypoints. If you wish to merge your custom waypoints with these, please refer to the Merging section of the README. Files that Use custom icons now included.


NOTE TO STEAM USERS: A clean install of the game will have a folder named "UserName" instead of your SWL username.


To install waypoints:

1: Locate your custom waypoint folder.

     default locaiton: "%localappdata%\Funcom\SWL\Prefs\[SWL Username]\Waypoints"

2: Copy the .xml files from the All folder of choice to the custom waypoint folder.

    Note: If you have custom waypoints, please refer to the merging section of the readme.

3: Delete the .bxml files.

4: Start game and enjoy.


To install custom icons:

1: Copy the contents in the Icons folder to Data\Gui\Default folder.


To Uninstall waypoints:

1: Locate your custom waypoint folder.

    default locaiton: "%localappdata%\Funcom\SWL\Prefs\[SWL Username]\Waypoints"

2: Delete all .xml and .bxml files that you wish to remove.

    Note: if you wish to keep specific waypoints please refer to the demerging seciton.


I have done my best to make the files as user friendly as possible, so if you plan on using these files across your account with alt characters, I have included a README in the download that instructs you on how to comment out legends in an area to temporarily hide them.


Instructions on un-commenting the seasonal legends can be found in the README.




Immediate Plans:

 - Event Lore


Future Plans:

 - In game control and interface



Special thanks to Hessonite for providing coordinates for champions, and to Ayjia, for formatting and ground check.