This Mod is based on SMAPI 3.0+, for installing SMAPI refer to
For installation unpack the zip-File in the Mods Folder, just like any other SMAPI Mod.
An elevator like in the normal mine is added to the Skull Cavern, like in the normal mine the elevator is updated every 5th Floor by default.
Note: The elevator is always placed to the right of the ladder.
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Update 1.1.2
In the folder SkullCavernElevator there will be a file called config.json after starting the game with the mod, in this file you can change how frequent the elevators appear. You just need to change the value behind the "elevatorStep" : (the 5).
Update 1.2.1
A new setting called "difficulty" has been added to the config.json file. It changes the number of elevator levels appearing in the menu. The value is calculated as follows: deepestMineLevel/elevatorSteps/difficulty.
Update 1.3.0
A new setting called "FirstLevelElevatorActive": has been added to the config.json file. It is used as a workaround if the elevator is not shown in the entrance area, but if set to "true" the elevator will appear in the first floor.
Update 1.4.0
The settings in the config.json were renamed to start with a Capital letter, difficulty -> Difficulty, elevatorStep -> ElevatorStep, firstLevelElevatorActive -> FirstLevelElevatorActive.
A new setting called "ElevatorCostPerStep": with default value 0 has been added to the config.json file. If this value is set to > 0, a cost will be calculated and displayed in the elevator menu. The formula is (Position of Elevator displayed) * ElevatorCostPerStep. This cost will be subtracted from your current available money. If you do not have enough, the elevator will not be used.
Difficulty and elevator setting
A few examples to illustrate how difficulty and elevatorStep work. In all examples it is assumed that the lowest mine level reached is 40.
First elevatorStep, this changes step width between elevators appearing.
elevatorStep 5 (and default difficulty 1) means when you reach level 40 of the SkullCavern, you will see the elevators: 5, 10, 15, 20, 25, 30, 35 and 40
elevatorStep 10 (and default difficulty 1) means when you reach level 40 of the SkullCavern, you will see the elevators: 10, 20, 30 and 40
Difficulty setting changes how difficult it is to travel further down with the elevator.
Difficulty 2 (and default elevatorStep 5) means when you reach level 40 of the SkullCavern, you will only see elevators up to level 20 (My Lowest Level[40]/Difficulty[2]). Means elevators: 5, 10, 15 and 20
Difficulty 4 (and default elevatorStep 5) means when you reach level 40 of the SkullCavern, you will only see elevators up to level 10 (My Lowest Level[40]/Difficulty[4]). Means elevators: 5 and 10
As you can see, a higher value in Difficulty means that less elevators appear and you need to get further down to unlock new elevators.
A combination of elevatorStep and Difficulty can look like this:
Difficulty 1.5 and elevatorStep 10 means when you reach level 40 of the SkullCavern, you will only see elevators up to level (Lowest Level[40]/Difficulty[1.5]) 26. Means elevators: 10 and 20. (due to the elevatorStep of 10).