UPDATE: V.1.1.3 [or higher] is now compatible with Poltergeister's Slightly Cuter Aesthetic mod.
This mod changes Sebastian’s wedding sprite to incorporate either Dutch-Romanian or Dutch-Vietnamese wedding traditions, depending on player configuration.
Sebastian’s Dutch-Romanian wedding outfit includes:
Dutch Traditions:
- A head wreath of evergreen branches for everlasting love and Lily-of-the-Valley flowers (for long-lasting love and
happiness (depending on the season)
- Dutch wedding clogs (with intricate details carved into the wood)
Romanian Traditions (with modern elements):
- White linen Cămaşa shirt with detailed embroidery
- Black western-style trousers
- Wide brâu waistband with intricate details
- Căciulă fur hat (depending on the season)
- Ciubote leather boots
- Suman-inspired black cape/cloak with detailed embroidery
Sebastian’s Dutch-Vietnamese wedding outfit includes:
Dutch Traditions:
- A head wreath of evergreen branches, for everlasting love, and Lily-of-the-Valley flowers, for long-lasting love and
happiness (depending on the season)
- Orange tulip boutonniere (orange is the national colour of the Netherlands, and tulip is the national flower) (depending on the
- Dutch wedding clogs (with intricate details carved into the wood)
Vietnamese Traditions:
- Blue traditional Áo dài (a long-split tunic worn over trousers)
- Traditional Khăn vấn (turban-like headpiece)
- Golden embroidery depicting his Lunar New Year sign (depending on the season)
During the creation of this mod, someone sweetly reached out to me with the idea of Sebastian’s father being Asian or Southeast Asian. I had already completed Sebastian’s Dutch-Romanian outfit at this time, but I liked the idea so much, I decided to include a Dutch-Southeast Asian wedding option for Sebastian too. In the end, decided on a Vietnamese background for Sebastian because it had been chosen for him in Diverse Stardew Valley’s mod, as well as out of appreciation for my good friend Judy.
I chose a Romanian background for Sebastian because of the historical/mythological origins of the Strigoi (vampires) and Sebastian’s interest and fascination with the dark and gloomy, but not only for this reason. The Romanian people are very proud of who they are, even though they can seemingly complain about everything, have a deep love for family, food, and tradition. On the surface, Sebastian can seem like a detached, uninterested loner, but even amidst family and personal problems, deep within him is still a strong sense of personal and familial pride.
And given the personal growth we’ve seen him come through over the course of Stardew Valley, I think he’d be ready and proud to showcase
all that he is on his wedding day with your farmer.
Gefeliciteerd met je trouwdag!
Felicitări şi cele mai calde urări de bine pentru amândoi cu ocazia nunţii! Casă de piatră!
Chúc anh chị nghĩa tình trăm năm, hạnh phúc vẹn toàn, gia đình êm ấm, sớm có quý tử!
Sebastian's wedding outfit is set to Dutch-Romanian by default. If you'd like Sebastian to wear a Dutch-Vietnamese wedding outfit instead, please go into the config file and change the "Sebastian Dutch-Vietnamese Wedding Outfit" setting from "false" to "true". (Please be sure to add in the quotation marks, as the mod won't recognize the change without them.)
UPDATE: V.1.1.3 [or higher] is now compatible with Poltergeister's Slightly Cuter Aesthetic mod. No action needed.
This mod will NOT work with other wedding outfit mods that include Sebastian. If you want this mod to be compatible with other sprite editing mods, you'll need to either delete Sebastian's wedding version in those mods or only have this one installed. Having two different mods that change Sebastian's wedding appearance will not work together and may cause the game to crash.*
**THIS MOD IS NOW AVAILABLE ON CURSEFORGE AND MODDROP!** NexusMods, CurseForge, and ModDrop are the only websites I've uploaded this Mod to. If you see this mod on any other websites than the ones listed, it has been uploaded by someone else without my permission. Please only upload this Mod from Nexus, Curseforge, or ModDrop :) Thank you!