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Pam will still mention pale ale, but says that Penny is trying to get her to drink more juice instead. Pam asks the farmer to bring her some; the quest will be completed with the usual rewards when you deliver the juice to Pam (any type).

NOTE: if it's hard to imagine Pam asking for juice, there is an alternate version: Penny can send you the quest mail instead, asking you to deliver some juice to her mom. You can choose which version to use in this mod's config settings.

This mod works on all new and existing saves, even if you've already received the original quest, deleted the original quest, or completed it! If you already received the original quest version at some point, this mod will replace it by delivering a new quest letter to your mailbox. Opening the mail will add the updated version to your quest log.

If you haven't yet opened your original quest letter, this mod will change its contents to give you the new quest version from the start.


  • Stardew Valley 1.6.4 or later
  • Content Patcher 2.0.0 or later

If you have not yet read the original quest letter before using this mod, you will get the new version of the letter and quest as soon as you read it. If you have already read the original quest letter, playing a savefile with this mod installed will remove the old quest from your quest log (if it is still there) and immediately add new quest mail to your mailbox. Reading the letter will add the new version of the quest to your log.


Choose which character should send you the updated quest letter. Options: "Pam" or "Penny". Defaults to "Pam".

(Players should not change this setting. It is only used for specific debugging situations that do not occur with normal use.) Defaults to false.