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  • This mod expands on the minecart functionality, adding new minecart locations, location sorting/reordering and allows all modded minecarts to be accessed from the same menu. The number of destinations per page of the menu can also be configured.

    Modded and vanilla minecart locations are integrated into one paginated menu.

    Many modded minecarts from multiple expansions have been integrated into the Integrated Minecart network. The other mod is still required.


    My other mods:
    Blue Moon Casks
    Recycle Joja Cola
    Tradeable Galaxy Weapons
    If you like this mod, please consider buying me a coffee on Ko-Fi. Thank you!

    Minecart Menu Tweaks:
  • Configurable Destinations per page the vanilla menu had a hardcoded maximum of 5 destinations per page. This limit is now configurable via this mod. See the configuration section for more details.
  • Next Page button relocation the vanilla menu has the Previous Page button on page 2+ was in the same position as the Next Page button on the first page, which could result in going back and forth between the first two pages if clicking quickly. The Next Page button has now been swapped with the Previous Page to avoid this and make it quicker to get to later pages of the menu.

    New minecarts from this mod:
  • Community Center (thanks to Wolxies): Adds a minecart behind the community center.
  • Forest - NW: Adds a minecart to the north west of the Forest near the wizards tower, lake, Lunna's house and some unlockable locations.
  • Forest - SE: Adds a minecart to the south east of the Forest near the sewer pipe, Andy's house and path to Sophia's house.
  • Railroad: Adds a minecart behind the train station, allowing quick access to the train station, Susan's house, and other unlockable locations.
  • Secret Woods: Adds a minecart to the woods. Unlocked once you've found the Woods.
  • Desert: compatible with SVE. Unlocked after going to the Desert at least once (via bus)
  • Farm (Customizable via config or GMCM): Default location is next to Farmhouse mailbox. There are separate config options for each supported farm map/type, including a custom one to specify an unsupported farm map/type.
  • Ginger Island Cave adds a minecart to the cave in Ginger Island North, unlocked after going inside the cave for the first time.
  • GInger Island Caldera Adds a minecart to the top of the Volcano on Ginger Island, unlocked after reaching the top at least once.
  • Ginger Island Farm Adds a minecart to the Island West map west of the farmhouse, unlocked after unlocking and visiting the Island West map

Stardew Valley Expanded Minecarts:

  • Mountain/Adventurer's Guild: As SVE moves the Mines entrance, a minecart is added to where the Mines entrance used to be. There is an option to Move Mountain to Adventurer's Guild, for use with SVE's Original Mine Entrance option. Mountain minecart must still be enabled. 
  • If using the Adventurer's Guild option, will need to visit the map that the adventurer's guild is on at least once.
  • Aurora Vineyard adds a minecart to the left of the Aurora Vineyard
  • Grampleton Fields For SVE + Grampleton Fields. Adds 3 minecarts to Grampleton Fields to make getting around faster

Unlocking Minecarts:
After repairing the minecarts, you will need to have visited the map that the minecart is on at least once before it will show up in the destination menu.

If minecarts from other mods have unlock conditions already, those will still be required before the minecarts will work.

Download and extract into your Stardew Valley\Mods folder.
Delete old files before updating. Config files can be kept to preserve settings.

Mod Compatibility/Integration (You still need to install the listed mod for the minecart):

  • Vanilla: Everything works without expansion mods.
  • Online Multiplayer: Fully tested and compatible.
  • Split-screen Multiplayer
  • Recolours: Should be compatible with all recolours. Let me know if there are any issues.
  • East Scarp: Minecarts have been integrated.
  • Ridgeside Village: Minecarts are fully integrated. Minecarts will only be useable after fixing via RSV questline
  • Stardew Valley Expanded + Grampleton Fields:

For SDV 1.6+:

  • Seems like bush reset is no longer necessary

For SDV 1.5.6 and earlier: 

  • Requires a bush reset on the Forest map (with Marnie's Ranch) using 

Reset Terrain Features For .NET 6

Supported Farm Maps:
The Farm Minecart will be placed next to the Farmhouse by default for these maps. There are also farm-specific configuration options to customize the style and location of the minecart. See the configuration section for more information.

  • All Farms included in the base game are supported, including Meadowlands Farm
  • Grandpa's Farm
  • DaisyNiko's Zenith Farm Minecarts added by Zenith Farm have not been updated for v1.6 and so have not been integrated.  Works with both CFL and CP Versions (Only if using the custom farmtype and not replacing a vanilla map).
  • Immersive Farm 2 Remastered The west and eastern minecarts from the IF2R network will be added as destinations in the main minecart menu after fixing the vanilla minecarts via the boiler room. The minecarts in the cave will still be useable to reach the west and east minecarts, but you cannot return to them. The IF2R carts can be disabled via config in this mod to revert to their original functionality.
  • LNH Mini Farm Farm minecart will be moved to next to Farmhouse.  Works automatically with the custom farm version. With the farm replacement version, added a matching option in this mod to modify the correct map. This setting must match the LNH Mini Farm setting
  • Waterfall Forest Farms (WaFF and WaFFLE)
  • Personal FarmType All 3 versions are supported
  • Plantopia Farm
  • Six Corners Farm
  • Small Farm as new farm
  • Loafy's Little Ranch Farm
  • Marine Farm
  • Lnh's New Farm With the farm replacement version, added a matching option in this mod to modify the correct map. This setting must match the LNH New Farm setting
  • Immersive Farm 2 Fix (IF2Fix)
  • Legacy Farm All versions of this mod replace whatever farm you are on, so it will work using the settings for whichever farm type you picked on starting the save.
  • Desert Bloom Farm A fixed minecart (not configurable) has been added due to compatibility issues with the way the farm map is patched by Desert Bloom.

This mod is now compatible with all farm maps by default even If not using one of the above farm maps, the Farm minecart should still appear on the Farm at the Custom Farm coordinates. This minecart can be configured with the Custom Farm settings mentioned below.

Generic Mod Config Menu is recommended for best experience.

Installing this mod will have all compatible minecarts enabled by default with the Farm minecart first, then vanilla minecarts in alphabetical order including the ones added from this mod. Then modded minecarts are listed in the order as they were added to this mod. This mod can be used without configuration, but the following options are available if desired.

The name of the config setting in GMCM is shown below, the setting in the config file should be the same with no spaces unless otherwise specified.

[CP] Integrated Minecarts Folder / Integrated Minecarts (CP Component) in GMCM

General Settings Section - Applies to all minecarts

Numbering: This enables/disables enumeration of the destinations in the minecart menu e.g. "1. Farm" when enabled or "Farm" when disabled

Price to Ride: This sets the price for riding on the minecarts. Leave blank or set to 0 to disable

Destinations Per Page: Controls how many destinations are listed per page of the minecart menu. The menu will not scale to screen size if set to too many destinations, just reduce the number until all destinations are on screen again.

Destination Order Section - Controls the order in which the destinations show up in the minecart menu
The options are named 1 to n (n being the maximum number of minecarts) both in GMCM and the config file, you can select a destination for each number.

The options in this section determine the positioning of the destinations in the minecart menu. The selected destination will be moved to the corresponding numbered position in the list. Selections use the MinecartID, see the Minecart Enabled section for each minecart ID. Check the tooltips for the source mod and minecart location.

E.g. From the config file:

"1.": "IntegratedFarm", //Sets Farm minecart to position 1 in the list
"2.": "Bus",//Sets Bus minecart to position 2 in the list

Additional notes:

  • Each destination must be set to a number.
  • If a destination is not configured to a position, the location will be set to the first position.
  • If a destination is set to multiple positions, the highest number will be used.
  • If not using a particular mod, set the corresponding setting to Disabled to prevent "Can't move record" warnings from showing in the logs. This is optional and the warning messages are harmless.
  • There is an optional content and config file that has only vanilla minecarts from this mod enabled. Then you can enable specific mods as required.

Minecart Enabled Section - Contains toggles to enable/disable minecarts and changes added by this mod, also contains mod specific settings
Each setting in this section will be in the format Enable<MinecartId> in the config file, or just <MinecartId> in GMCM
For minecarts added by this mod:
If a minecart is disabled, it removes the destination from the minecart menu and removes the minecarts from the map.

For minecarts from other mods:
Mainly used for disabling changes for mods that you are not using or in the event there are mod conflicts.
If a minecart is disabled, this mods handling (enumeration and reordering) will be disabled, unless disabled in the other mod, the other mod's minecart will be unmodified and will still show up in the minecart menu out of order (usually in the first position).

Options are listed by minecart ID, matching the destination order option. See tooltips in GMCM for the source mod.

Mod Specific options:
Stardew Valley Expanded - Mountain: As SVE moves the Mines entrance further away, the Mountain minecart adds a minecart to the Mountain for easier access to Robin's house and the Lake.
Stardew Valley Expanded - Move Mountain to Adventurer's Guild: If using the SVE option to move the Mines entrance back to the original location, use Move Mountain to Adventurer's Guild to move the Mountain minecart to the Adventurer's Guild. The Mountain minecart must be enabled for this to work.

Visit Mount Vapius - Hamlet to Railroad: Adds the Railroad destination to the VMV minecart network to make it easier to get back to SDV from VMV.

Farm Minecart Settings - All settings related to the Farm minecart
All supported farm maps now have their own section in GMCM. Each supported farm will have at least 3 options FarmCartStyle, X Coordinate, and Y Coordinate. Certain maps will have extra options as necessary.

<FarmMap>FarmCartStyle: Sets the style of the Farm Minecart for the relevant Farm Map. Use Cart for open areas. Use CartEntrance if setting into a wall. Use CartEntranceNarrow if CartEntrance is too wide.

<FarmMap>FarmX/Y Coordinate: 
Used together to set the position of the Farm minecart on the relevant Farm Map. (0,0) is the top left corner of the Farm map. I recommend use mods like Lookup Anything with Tile Lookups enabled to check coordinates. Otherwise you can adjust relative to the default position.

Custom Farm
If a farm map is not listed in the Supported Farms section, use the Custom Farm settings.

Use Custom Farm Map: Enables/Disables the use of the Custom Farm settings. Enabled by Default, only needs to be disabled for troubleshooting purposes

Farm specific options:

LNH Mini Farm Replacement: Must be used if playing on the farm replacement version of LNH Mini Farm. Setting must match the Farm Type setting in LNH Mini Farm. Keep disabled if not using LNH Mini Farm, or using the (Custom Farm) version.

LNH New Farm Replacement: Same as LNH Mini Farm Replacement.

v2.4.1 for SDV v1.5.6 and below:
Configuration for destination order can also be configured in GMCM. config files can be preserved between versions to keep ordering.

Each destination is assigned a number to position it in the minecart menu, sorted lowest to highest.
A blank option is available at the top of the dropdown menu to remove ordering, this will place the destination after the ordered ones and all unordered ones will be sorted alphabetically as default.

Language Support:

  • a18n translation files to translate destination names are supported.
  • Thanks to DarkMonth and wavefeng for Chinese. 
  • Thanks to mukers and darthalex2014 for Russian.
  • Thanks to Akira6667666 for Brazilian Portuguese.
  • Thanks to Whited117 and nitropicc for Spanish.
  • Thanks to Thukino for Japanese.
  • Thanks to Kagier for Turkish
  • Thanks to twinklesky6 for Korean
  • Thanks Fsecho7 and Caranud for French

Known Issues:
Unlocking RSV Minecarts:
When unlocking the RSV Minecarts for the first time, if you open the minecart before the in-game time changes, it will only be able to go to the RSV stops. After waiting for the in-game time to change, all destinations will be shown. This is a limitation of Content Patcher.

"Can't move record..." messages
The following warning shows up when interacting with a minecart first time after launch:

Can't move record "(CP) Integrated Minecarts > Include assets/ordering.json > EditData Data/Minecarts #<n> > MoveEntries > "<Location>": no entry with ID '<MinecartID>' exists.

This is just a warning message that shows up if the referenced Minecart isn't unlocked or the associated mod is not installed. It is safe to ignore.
You can set the destination to "Disabled' to prevent the messages from coming up.
There is an optional config file with all modded minecarts disabled to make this easier.

Building Texture Glitches with SVE in non-English games:

When playing with SVE in a non-English language, you may see building textures being broken (seems to affect upgraded/fixed/damaged buildings) 

This is fixed in ContentPatcher 2.1.3-alpha+.

What's coming up?:

  • Adding more compatibility/integrations
  • Progression version - Need to complete bundles before extra minecarts are unlocked/will be added to the main network.