This mod is aimed to add more endgame content, quests and unlocks, giving player more stuff to play with after they finished Community Centre bundles.
This mod adds:
- New NPC - Goblin
- Dozens of quests and events (including custom quests for Alecto The Witch mod)
- 4 new fish
- 4 new crops and forage
- 6 new cooking and crafting recipes
- 3 new recolors for Witch Swamp map

His name is Zic and now he fully enjoys his live in Witch Swamp lands...

More about how to unlock him and his gift taster here!

This mod adds over 20 new conditional quests and events - befriend Goblin to learn his story and get special items, quests and recipes!
There's also special quest lines for Alecto The Witch NPC - this isn't necessary but you may install it to spice up the gameplay and get some more NPC interactions.
You can read the list of events here! (warning for spoilers)
Animated fish tank sprites and special rewards for breeding in Fish Pool are supported!

Explore the Witch Swamp lands to find new forage items and discover dark crop experiments in Witch's Gardens!
More about new crops&forage here!

There are 4 new food dishes and 1 special crafting recipe - befriend Goblin and finish special quests to get it!

All about installation, config and compability plus a quick FAQ about mod and future plans for updates.
Why "Distant Lands"?
Nothing specific with that, I just wanted some memorisable mod name. The name is mainly inspired by Adventure TIme:Distant Lands season. Plus Witch's Swamp is indeed, quite distant.
Is this compatible with "Mod_Name"?
You can find compability section below or ask in comments about specific mods if you aren't sure.
Are there bugs?
Some bugs are indeed exist in my mod, but they won't affect the gameplay that much. The one bug you may encounter is Goblin walking through unpassable tiles sometimes.
The 2nd issue is increased load times when you enter WitchSwamp map. It only happens if the "Water Overlay" enabled in the config. If you experience extremely long load times, I suggest to turn it off.
The 3rd one - if you use some recolors - the water color in WitchSwamp may be different from my screenshots for this mod.
There's enabled compatibility option for Better Water 2 mod by default (but you can disable it in my mod's config if you like the colors Better Water gives to witch swamp water)
If you find a bug, please report about it here in comments or in Bugs section with your Smapi Log attached.
Future updates?
I'm planning to add new events, quests and vanilla NPC interactions, maybe even new maps and items...Plus bugfixing of course.
Translation to other languages?
Most likely not, but if you would like to translate my mod - feel free to make a translation and upload it here on Nexus (upload only translated files and set my mod as dependency).
Everything as usual:
- Install SMAPi, Content Patcher and all other required mods.
- Unzip "Distant Lands - Witch Swamp Overhaul" archive into Stardew\Mods folder.
- Run the game using SMAPI.
- Enjoy.
For Stardew 1.6 you'll only need ContentPatcher and FarmTypeManager
Not required but additionally you can install those mods:
- Alecto The Witch - for special quests and NPC interactions.
- Stardew Valley Expanded - because it's awesome and makes the railroad map more fancy.
- Non Destructive NPCs - for saving forage from spontaneous destroying by Goblin (since Witch Swamp is really tidy map).
- Visible Fish - to improve the aestetics.
- Recolor: default, green, crimson, void - changes the visual look and color of Witch Swamp map
- Water Overlay: on, off - adds default water animation on top of water tiles in Witch Swamp ( you need to reload your game after disabling! WARNING: enabling it will increase load time when you enter\leave the WitchSwamp map - if you don't want to wait 3-5 seconds for WitchSwamp map to load every time, I suggest disabling it.)
- Better BetterWater Compatibility - enabled by default, will prevent Better Water 2 mod from changing water color in WitchSwamp map.
- Darker Ambient Light - makes the lightning in WitchSwamp slightly darker.
Compatible with other expansions like SVE, Ridgeside, East Scarp, Alecto NPC, ect...
Compatible with recolors like Earthy Recolor, VPR, Starblue, ect...(But they won't take effect on witch swamp tiles since I use my own custom tilesheets)
Compatible with NPC portraits and sprites mods (but they won't change Goblin portrait (since I use my own custom portrait sprites)
Compatible with mods that add new fish into Witch Swamp
Compatible with The Witch's Familiar- Nul Envoide
Not compatible with Wild Witch Swamp mod.
Not compatible with mods that change Witch Swamp map.

Used assets and resources:
Trees, bushes and reeds textures are from dugongkebalik's Simple Foliage
Giant beet texture in cutscenes is from 6480's Giant Crops.
Water texture overlay is from Neopffe's Better Water 2.
Some item textures are from Henry Software's PIxel Items Pack
Some fish textures are from Fishing & Diving Iconset Pack.
Big thank you to:
aedenthorn for creating Buff Framework mod!
zoedoll for creating Alecto The Witch NPC mod!
Stardew Discord members for helping with troubleshooting and explaining how things work!
All the Stardew community for creating lots of modding guides and resourses!
I do mod commissions! More info here.
If you like my mods, you can buy me a coffee!