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[PW] Arabian Days Gshade Preset will start downloading in 5 seconds...


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A preset that warms the image greatly and turns all that blue into a bright sunny day.  Mother/foal and Arabian are using Arabian Days (Light.)

If you have installed Gshade, but presets look weird or DOF doesn't work, do the following:
-Make sure you installed the shaders.
MissLollypop's video tutorial helps leaps and bounds:

Next in game disable edge smoothing, open the gshade menu and click 'add ons' then checkmark the box Generic Depth and Generic Depth II. Finally, checkmark the boxes 'use aspect ratio hueristics'.

And for quint DOF (which resets randomly) Slide the near blur slider to basically be disabled, and then the far blur slider should now work as intended. :) Other DOF shaders look worse overall but should just work when you click on them, however. Good way to test DOF is even working.