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Hi there simmers :)
I have taken 3 human days not sim days to make some changes to all of the worlds and allowed vacation worlds so that you guys can have a clean slate to play with. I will list them all below for you. There are images of each world in the image section of this upload. All you need to do is unzip the file and put it in your saves folder.
Here is a version 2 that includes Tomarang as well now.
Willow Creek. All lots are demolished and residential
Oasis Springs. All lots are demolished and residential
Newcrest. All lots are demolished and residential
Magnolia Promenade. All lots are demolished and residential
Windenburg. All lots are demolished and residential except for ...
Ancient runes remains ancient runes although demolished
The bluffs remains island bluffs although demolished
Von haunt estate remains Chalet Gardens although demolished
San Myshuno. All aparments demolished, other lots demolished and made residential except for ...
Myshuno meadows center park demolish but not residential, it remains a park
Forgotten Hollow. All lots demolished and residential
Brindleton Bay. All lots demolished and residential
Del Sol Valley. All lots demolished and residential
StrangerVille. All lots demolished and residential except for ...
StrangerVille secret ***** Lab unable to demolish and not residential
Sulani. All lots demolished and residential
Glimmerbrook . All lots demolished and residential.
Magic realm building demolished as well.
Britechester. All lots demolished, some residential, some university housing.
Evergreen Harbor. All lots demolished and all residential but apartments remain apartments
Mt Komorebi. All lots demolished and residential except for ...
The Onsen bathhouse demolished but not redisential
Henford-on-Bagley. All lots demolished and residential
Moonwood Mill. All lots demolished and residential
Copperdale. All lots demolished and residential except for ...
Copperdale Highschool and audotorium demolished but not residential
San Sequoia. All lots demolished and residential
Chestnut Ridge. All lots demolished and residential
Granite falls. Rentals remain rentals and forest remains forest although all lots demolished.
Selvadorada. All lots demolished and changed to rentals.
Tomarang. All of the lots demolished and changed to residential
Also if you go to the households there will be no npc generated sims or townies, it is a clean slate in there too. Only my basegame sim is there to activate the save game. Once you have established your sims then you can delete her out of the save game. I have used no mods, I play a vanilla game. Everything was done manually. I hope this will come in handy for some of you. Happy simming <3
ps. No packs are required, if you don't have the world in your game then it simply won't show.