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Work Interactions Pie Menu
Required Pack:
The Sims 4 Base Game
Other Requirements: XML Injector


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To find this interaction: Use a Computer > Career and your Sim must be in a CAREER or this menu will not show.


Information: There will be additional interactions if your Sims are in certain careers and the career description/requirements will let you know what the interaction is and if you need the work interactions menu.


Answer Customer Chat

Sims will gain Charisma Skill when this interaction is in use.

You will get a buff:

Attend Conference Call

This interaction shows up regardless of the career a sim is in. You will get a buff:

Attend Zoom Meeting

This interaction will always appear and below is the buff:

Check Work Emails

This interaction shows up regardless of the career a sim is in. You will get a buff:

Give Colleagues Updates

Sims will gain Charisma skill when this interaction is in use.This interaction will show up regardless of career. Here is the buff:

Process Applications

Sims will gain Logic skill when this interaction is in use.This interaction will show up regardless of career. Here is the buff:

Scan Documents

This interaction will always appear for Sims. Here is the buff below: