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Requires Lot51 Core Library

This mod adds lots of new interactions and tweaks to the ways toddlers can be given food and drinks.


Main Interactions

The base interactions for the majority of this mod are interactions to grab quick meals for toddlers without having to serve them to a highchair. Because these new interactions don’t require carrying the toddler to a highchair they are available for any sim child or older.

Older sims can give food or drinks to toddlers by clicking either on the toddler under the Toddler Care menu or on a fridge. Toddlers can ask for food or drinks by clicking either on an older sim under the Help menu or on a fridge. All of these interactions have the same text as the base game interactions with an icon to differentiate them.

These interactions will create a random food or drink which the older sim will then deliver to the toddler in the same way as the Grab Serving For Toddler interaction in the base game. There will need to be a fridge on the lot for the food to spawn to, and then the older sim can pick it up. The only exception to this is if the older sim has an “Always Has a Snack Bag” lunchbox item in their inventory. Then they can just pull the food directly from their inventory.

When choosing these interactions from the older sim, they will immediately go get the food or drink and bring it to the toddler. There may be a small delay where they just stand there while the food gets added to the fridge, particularly if they are farther away from the fridge. When choosing from the toddler, there is a social interaction first to ask the older sim, and then they’ll go get the food.



There are new picker interactions available from the fridge to grab leftovers for toddlers. You can choose what to give the toddler from all the leftovers in the fridge. Again, the older sims will just grab the leftovers to bring to the toddler, but the toddler will go to the older to ask for the leftovers first. Toddlers can also ask for leftovers by directly selecting the item in the fridge rather than using the picker.


Small Tweaks

I added an override of the Grab Serving for Toddler interaction so it’s available on food inside the fridge without having to take it out first. I also added that interaction to single servings as long as they are full servings.



Toddlers can autonomously ask for food with the new interaction when hungry. This can also be triggered by clicking the hunger icon in the needs panel.

The No Autonomous Original Ask For Food override addon will make it so toddlers will always use the Ask for Food interaction from this mod rather than the high chair version when autonomously trying to fulfill their hunger need. Without this addon, there will be a random chance of picking either the new interaction or the original one.


Check Toddler Overrides

Only choose one of the two versions to put in your game at a time for them to work as intended.

Version 1 just adds the new give food interaction to the possible outcomes of the Check Toddler interaction, so if there is a highchair available they will randomly choose between the base game interaction and my new interaction.

Version 2 limits the highchair interaction, so the outcome will always be the new interaction unless it isn’t available. So the only time the Check Toddler interaction should lead to the highchair with this addon would be if you're on a lot that has a highchair but no fridge.