

Have you ever wished the worlds in your game felt a little more connected? Like how strange it feels when a sim who lives in Willow Creek decides to go for a light jog all the way in Sulani.

Or maybe you wish stray cats and dogs were allowed to exist outside Brindleton Bay?

Perhaps you think that sims really shouldn't be prancing around the street during a blizzard?

This mod attempts to fix these issues and more by allowing players to tweak multiple aspects of NPC spawning, all customizable via a settings menu that can be accessed by shift-clicking on any mailbox with testingcheats enabled:

WORLD COMPATIBILITY - Available only in version 2.0 or newer.

One of the core features of the mod, this allows the player to set different worlds as compatible with each other, effectively connecting the worlds.

This setting does nothing by itself, but is used by other settings such as "Local Pedestrians" to define which worlds NPCs are allowed to spawn in.

This feature is compatible with Phone Call Overhaul, if both mods are present.


Some features of the mod are always enabled by default. These mostly fix some akward behavior in the game:

• Neighbor Sim Filters:

Fixes certain instances where any sim is allowed to spawn when only a "neighbor" sim (sim who lives in the current world) should.

• Bouncer Spawning:

Fixes bouncer spawning on the VIP doors from Get Famous. Normally they spawn in shifts every few hours, but if the player happens to load a lot between two shifts, a bouncer will not show up until the next shift starts. The mod forces one to spawn whenever the lot loads.

• Homeless Park Sleepers:

There's an NPC which spawns in park lots and is called a "park sleeper". They wear dirty clothes and sleep on benches, and always have the erratic trait. The mod changes this NPC to always be a homeless sim instead, regardless of trait.

• Spellcaster NPCs for the Magic Portal:

Fixes random sims jogging towards the magic portal and disappearing, implying they travelled to the Magic Realm. The game will now only spawn Spellcasters for this purpose.

• Children at Gyms:

Fixes children being allowed to spawn at the gym, where they just stand around since they can't interact with any of the objects.

• Fake Vampires:

Fixes the generation of fake vampires that spawn anywhere at night wearing randomly generated outfits. The mod replaces them with actual vampires.

• Vampires at Moonwood Mill Bars:

Fixes vampires spawning at bar venues in Moonwood Mill. Bars placed in that world have a higher chance of spawning occult sims, and this happens to include vampires which shouldn't be anywhere near Moonwood Mill.