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Let your children or teens participate in Science Fair and win the trophy!





This mod will best work with Parenthood gamepack and school projects that come with it. But it is also base game compatible, although base game does not offer much in this area.


Best option is to prepare the lot for the event in advance:

  • You can use following lots: library, museum, generic, art center, community lot, or school lots, also from Go to school mod.
  • Buy school project boxes from Parenthood GP, microscopes and junior wizard starter sets (science table for children). I made it possible that teens can use science table for children but with no real animation, sorry... if someone is able to help me with this animation, I will be more than happy :D


When starting the event, first you need to submit your project. You will see 3 tasks like this. This is on purpose, but it's enough to submit project once and all 3 will complete and change. Why 3 same tasks? Because eventually they will change to 1st, 2nd and 3rd prize and I didn't know how to do it differently :)


To submit the project, you need to click on the project you want to start (either one of school project boxes or on science table or on miscroscope).


Then, you can work on the project. Once you finish, you can ask Jury for the Results.


I really hope that other participants will also actively work on projects. It took me a lot of time to achieve this in my game, but you know, TS4 is so unstable, I can't promise the same effect each time. I will soon work on improving this event, so it works more smoothly, but for now it is what it is. 


As reward, you can win a trophy and a buff :)


What will affect the result? Mainly mental (children) and logic (teens) skills. Also grades, mood (focused giving best results, while e.g. tense ). If you know a bit of creativity as child, and other skills such as robotics, rocket science, programming as a teen - it will give you extra points.


I know that during real science fair you just present your experiment but it would not be much fun in sims.



English - by me, default

Spanish -  by CindySims

Chinese - by Mumu

French - by Kimiko Soma

German - by helene912  and felix.radieschen

Russian - by Annie Hugss

Italian - by SimsPhoria

Polish - by me

Portuguese (qlaqercoixsa)

Dutch (by Kimberley)




Mod is not overriding any file, so should not cause conflicts.




Patch information
As I am not able to write here update posts, for any post patch information please check my Wix Blog or my Patreon site. After each patch I make a summary posts there, stating exactly which mods are broken and which require updating. 
You can also check my Mods Status page, where all my mods are listed with detailed status (compatibility, packs requirements, last updates).
For issues, you can contact me on CF, via messages or comments. You can also use other contact channels via Wix or Patreon.